Part 2

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Me and Kaelynn got off and walked toward the entrance, before the boys left we waved goodbye and continued on. "Ok so did you bring the bag?" Kae asked. "Yea... Here set up the markers." I said handing her over the markers (half a tennis ball) then I walked up to where we start. I put on my spikes (special shoes for the track) and Kae did the same. When I was done I looked over to her and asked, "you ready Kae?" "Yea. Hit me." Then I got ready and imagined the gun going off, I sprinted my way all the way up to her and successfully handed her the baton. "Yes! That was awesome!" I screamed as she took off sprinting. I was happy when checked my time. On my 100m i hit 13 seconds. And it's only practice!
Felix POV
We walked into the studio, I was kind of upset that I couldn't show off my moves to Avery. But oh well, I will eventually. We set up the stereo and got in our positions. Then our trainor counted to 3 and started rollercoaster. I felt amazing dancing today. I felt confident. I'm assuming the other boys did too because they were doing awesome!
I really wanted Kae here. It sucks not being with her. And I'm starting to think I'm developing feelings for her. Uh oh. Well today felt great. I imagined Kae watching and it helped. I did good. Next the trainor put doo-wop. We danced like crazy and near the end we all got inflatable animals and started wacking each other, it was hilarious. Then out of nowhere Felix started fake humping the animal and all of us started laughing our asses off. Then Oscar looked over and said, "did you imagine that as Avery?" Then we laughed even harder. Felix got all red and threw him the animal. "Shut up Oscar, at least I have a girl!" Then Oscar fought back, "I just gave my number to a girl at the carnival, and she's beautiful!!" Then they started play fighting. It was hilarious.
Averys POV
"So Kae, you feel pretty confident?" I asked. "Sure. We should head to the studio, I kinda promised OG that I would watch him for at least a little." She said looking down at her feet. "Oh damn, my girl getting it with OG!" I said slightly punching her arm. "Shut up." She said giggling. Then we jogged towards the studio which was about 10 minutes away. When we walked in the music was blaring loudly and the boys were fighting and laughing hardcore. I wonder what for? Me and Kae started laughing. "HEY THE GIRLS ARE HERE!" Omar said running up to us and hugging us. "Ew Omar, were all sweaty!" I said giggling. Then Felix came over and gave me a quick kiss and in the corner of my eye I saw OG give Kae a kiss on the forehead.
Kaelynns POV
As soon as we walked in the boys rushed over to us. It felt amazing being in there. Then OG came up to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead, I started blushing. "You gotta stop doing that." He said looking down at me with a smirk. "Wait, come with me." He said leading me somewhere secret. When we walked into what looked like a dressing room, he started talking. "Why are you so shy around me?" He asked with a smirk. "Because your my everything OG. Imagine finally meeting the love of your life and having him give you kisses all over." I said giggling, red from all over. "Well, how's this for a kiss?" He then leaned in and started kissing me. It felt amazing. My heart stopped and I went into shock. I just stood there while he did everything. Then he pulled away, "is there something wrong?" He asked concerned. "Oh umm no! It's just... I've never... Umm. Nothing, just kiss me again." Then I puckered up my lips. "Wait. Have you ever kissed before?" He asked with half a smile. "Um. Maybe." Then I looked away. "Oh my god! That's so cute! You have virgin lips! Well used to anyways." Then he kissed you again. After what seemed for hours he finally pulls away and looks deep into my eyes. "Can you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked then holding my face. "Of course dummy." I said giving him a quick kiss then grabbing his hand to walk out to the studio.
Averys POV
"Do rollercoaster again!" I said clapping up and down. "Alright, I got a better one." Felix said. "Oh really?" "Yea... HIT IT!" He said pointing to the trainor. Then I hear the first few seconds of build a girl and I start fangirling hardcore. Yea I'm an idiot, I know. Me and Kae were sitting down in front of the boys and they were dancing just for us, they pointed out to us everytime and it was amazing. After that song we headed back home, our bus lol.
I changed into some gray baggy sweatpants and my Aqua Nike muscle shirt. As I was getting onto my bunk Felix came over. "Hey wanna sleep with me tonight?" He asked with a hot smirk. "Sure." I said with a wink. Then we walked into his room and I laid down on the left side. He turned off the lights and crawled in behind me, he put his arms around my waist and whispered "goodnight." I said the same and we drifted off to sleep.

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