answer me goddammit

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'well come on then' nat says as she was carrying a tray of food with a juice popper and 2 waffles. wanda nods and gets up from her bed following the russian. 

y/n pov 

i couldnt sleep all night, what if they came in and started hurting me like mr wallace would do. my clothes were still wet as the atmosphere in the cell felt off and somehow had some sort of thing in the air. all i know is it kept my clothes from drying and i was freezing. 

waking up this morning in the cell sent me into a panic and i fell of the bed. having no energy to get back up i had just stayed curled in a ball next to one of the glass walls. a while later doors began opening and i knew someone was coming, 

3rd person pov

nat walked into the room first closely followed by wanda who was instructed to stay in the shadows. nat came over to a control board thing and spoke to y/n first. 

'heres some breakfast kid' she says opening the door to place the tray near y/n before quickly leaving and sitting on a chair on the other side of the glass. nat notices y/n doesnt make any move to eat. 


when blackwidow placed the food i was confused why did i get breakfast. i never normally get it, i didnt make any move to get the food as it may be drugged. my head was pounding at the bright lights. i simply stare off into space. why was i here, what did they want from me. i just wanted answers but my voice seems stuck in my throat. 

nats pov

i saw the kid didnt go to eat. which was weird most people would eat straight away, maybe she was allergic or something, i was about to ask than i noticed her clothes were still wet from last night. oh god she must be freezing. fury will be down here soon to question her and then i hope whatever happens she will be okay. none of the other avengers apart from bucky and wanda even know shes down here. 

'eat, after last nights battle you need the energy' i tell her she doesnt respond 'look someone will be down here soon to talk to you i dont know what will happen but know the man isnt someone to mess with' i tell them standing up i motion for wanda to follow and before i leave i hear a small thankyou. as wanda and i were walking down the hall we pass fury 

'agent romanoff, maximoff' fury says continuing walking. i turn around 

'nick, what do you plan on doing with her' i ask 

'whatever i see fit' he answers and turns around. 

3rd person pov

back in the main area everyone was doing their own thing as it was only around 9am, spiderboi would be around in a couple days so tony made sure to complete the updates for his suit.  nat was about to go back and start some paperwork when wanda gently pulled at the bottom of nats sleeve a habit the sokovian had after having to subtlety ask for help most of her life. 

'yeah wands' nat turns around with a smile 

'shes scared' wanda replys simply 

'why is she scared, well i mean she was taken and put in a glass cell, but do you know why?'

'i-i dont know' she says 

'thats okay do you want to come hang out in my room for a bit' nat offers and wanda nods. following nat. 

furys pov

i walk into the room to she the white haired girl i had wanted captured. i knew romanoff helping barnes would do the job, i walk up to the glass and tap on it before taking a seat in the chair. 

'lets start off easy, whats your name kid?' i raise an eyebrow, she gives no sign she was going to talk or anything. i see a full plate off breakfast on the ground next to her 'okay what about your powers, how did you get them' i ask wanting something from this kid

'your family? why your out in the city at night? what you do with your powers?' i ask multiple questions wanting an answer all i got was a small glance before her eyes went quickly back to the spot they were focused on 

'the more you refuse my questions the longer you will stay in the cell' i tell them 'answer me goddammit' i say frustrated 'okay fine whatever, rot in this cell' i say waving my hand above my head and leaving 

y/n pov

finally he was gone. im not to fond on men, trauma i guess but i feel more comfortable around women. i was so hungry but used to the feeing of hunger. i think about what my friends will think when i dont show up to school, mj was already suspecting something is happening. i sigh and lean my head against the glass. before dropping it to my knees. there was no windows in the cell/room so i didnt know how much time had passed until the doors started opening again. 

black widow walked in with a bottle of water and a small bowl of pasta

nats pov

i walk back down to give the kid lunch and when i walk in i notice them still in the same position with their head inbetween their knees. my eyes skim around the cell and i notice the tray of food completely untouched. 

'you should really eat something' i say opening the cell door again and putting the bowl down right next to her. the door closes behind me and i stay for a bit just seeing what she will do. 

'why am i here' she asks with an exhausted voice lifting her head to rest her chin on her arms

'i don't know exactly all i know is the director sees something, weather its that your a threat or something else, but one things for sure is that the longer you don't answer his questions unfortunately the longer you will stay in the cell' i tell her leaning against a rail 

'well id rather talk to you or that other girl you brought in rather than a man' she tells me, i was confused on how she knew wanda was in here

'ill see what i can do' i say walking out 


okay who do you want people to be with 

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