shit its 9

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3rd person pov

they moved alot in the night ending up upside down and on the floor. no one knew how but when y/n woke up on the floor at 9am they realised they were late for school. she jumps up from the floor to quick and groans, at the light-headedness and tightness of the morning. 

"fuck. mj were late" she says hitting mj's stomach so she woke up.

"ugh what time is it" she rolls around but was further off to the side than she thought and fell off.

"9 " y/n says going through mj's wardrobe looking for anything else of hers. 

"shit" she mumbles walking into her bathroom to take a piss. y/n finds a decent outfit and gets changed. by decent it it was her hoodie mj's baggy jeans and a white singlet top she cant remember if it was hers or mj's "y/n bring me toilet paper!!" mj yells from the bathroom through the door. 

y/n goes to the cupboard and grabs 2 rolls walking into the bathroom she throws them at mj. she walks back out to the kitchen 

"what do you want to take for lunch" she yells. 

"whatever" y/n hums in response grabbing a couple things from around the kitchen before eating an apple. mj walks out rubbing her eyes also have gotten changed for the day. 

"you ready to go?" 


with that they both grab their last couple things and leave the apartment walking to school

"where were you these past couple days, like actually where were you" mj asks y/n sighs 

"you cannot tell anyone, i dont think? anyway uh the avengers they had me, in a cell im not to sure why, but uh im kinda apart of them now" she tells them

"damn i guess thats cool how did they find you" mj questions 

"uh i dont actually know, i think the energy i put off when i use my powers or something" 

they walk into school going to get a late slip parting ways and heading to class. somewhere no one wanted to be. 


short but this is all i could think off

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