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"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing momentarily. When we land, we ask everyone to remain calm and unload in an orderly fashion. There will be a shuttle bus waiting to take everyone out of the city. Take your carry ons with you. Consider your baggage under the carriage lost." The pilot announces over the loudspeaker.

I groan, rubbing my face in exasperation. Stress runs through my veins. Awesome. I'm fucking stuck in Atlanta. I'm kicking myself; I should've gotten a straight through flight instead of taking the cheaper one with a layover. Should've. Coulda. Woulda. Sighing, I think of Charlee. I grab for my phone, removing it out of my pocket, turning it on.

No messages. Battery low.

The voices of the people surrounding me begin talking over the other. Panic and tension fill the air. Ignoring the world around me, I type out a quick message to my best friend; I promised I'd tell her if something came up.

The feeling of being slightly thrown is jarring, indicating the plane has finally connected to the ground. I peer out my window, noticing we aren't heading to the jetway. Instead, it stays right where we stopped. I spot the shuttle bus approaching as everyone starts to stand.

I observe my reflection in the window. My straight blue hair falls to my lower back. The freckles dance along my cheeks and nose. The piercings in my face - left eyebrow, both nostrils, septum and right side of my bottom lip - shine in the light from the airport runway. My right ear has the phases of the moon wrapping around from front to back. I tuck a strand of hair behind my left ear, revealing an industrial bar and small tappers. I never went bigger than a two gauge. My blue eyes rimmed in a smokey eye look while my full lips are in red.

I straighten up, reaching for my gym bag in the overhead compartments. I hike it up onto my shoulder, trying to meander my way into the line. Finally, a spot opens. I nod to the woman letting me cut in front of her.


I grip the seats surrounding me, pulling myself up, I bring my legs up, kicking out the window of the bus. I decided it was time to take my chance in the sea of cars when a low moan and screams of panic start to grow from the back. With the glass broken, I toss my bag out first. I follow suit. I grunt, landing wrong. "Oh, that's going to hurt tomorrow."

I snatch my bag off the ground, running as far as I can from the chaos that's sure to ensue. I want zero to do with that mess.

After a few moments, I collide with someone. Swearing, I should've been looking at where I was going. I fall flat on my ass, groaning at the impact of it kissing the pavement. That's going to bruise.

"Hey, you okay?" I glance up seeing a tall male with short curly dark brown hair and brown eyes peering down at me.

"Yeah, I'm good. Sorry, I wasn't paying any attention." I wince. "That's my fault."

He offers his hand, helping me back onto my own two feet.

"Why in the hell did you tell her that? We don't even know these damn people?" A deep angry voice pulls my attention to the couple standing behind the man.

"The boys hungry, we can spare a box." The female with graying short hair, crosses her arms, pleading. I watch as fear fills her face. Oh hell no!

"Excuse me." I stalk passed man I accidentally bumped into. I find two young kids sitting in the back of the car. One was a little boy with dark brown hair with blue eyes while the girl that sits next him has short strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes. "You guys hungry?" The small boy looks to a woman, assuming his mother, standing next to him. She eyes me wearily. "I just got off of a flight and have lots of snacks I'm willing to share." I set my bag on the ground. I bend down rummaging around, searching. "ah ha!" I hand over a few bags of chips, grinning.

"Thank you." The woman smiles. She's beautiful with long flowing brown hair and hazel eyes. "You didn't have to."

"It's no problem. Big, dumb and ugly over there wasn't going to share and I had plenty." I poke my thumb in the angry mans direction. I narrow my eyes the bigger set man. It's clear he's balding, but he keeps it in a high and tight with some scruff along his face. He scoffs at my words. "I couldn't let these cuties starve. I have nothing to drink, though."

I have zero patience and tolerance for men like him; good for nothing pieces of shit that thrives off of selfishness and abuse. I made a vow to myself to not allow another man to harm myself or another female. Not after what I went through with my ex boyfriend.

"Are you with anyone?" The male from a few minutes ago comes to stand next to the woman. I scrutinize him. He's wearing his police uniform; giving me a glaringly obvious answer why he's suddenly worried about my state of being

I shake my head, "I'm heading home. I'm not from here." I purse my lips. I crouch down, closing my bag. I pick it up, wrapping it back around my shoulders.

"There's safety in numbers. Why don't you stay with us?" 

The explosion from the city startles me; we all turn, watching flames begin to engulf Atlanta. A sick feeling churns my insides. I run a hand through my hair, "I can't. I'm sorry." I walk by the small group, continuing on my journey.

The Woman at The End of The World. (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now