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It's been six months since Negan fell and the majority of the saviors that were left standing and breathing joined our cause. With orders from Rick, Daryl and I took over leading the sanctuary. He was miserable, holding leadership over an area that reminded him of his time being held captive. I, for one, was miserable for entirely different reasons. But with my due date rapidly approaching, we've relocated temporarily to Alexandria to be closer to Siddiq.

During the last few months, I've been the sole doctor looking and caring after Negan as per his request. I've discovered I'm the only person he acknowledges and speaks with. He refuses anyone else who tries. Every week, I would make the trip to Alexandria to check on his wound and the progress of his healing. Over my visits, we've grown into an easy friendship against my husband's protests. Though, I've come to the conclusion, Negan never lied or betrayed me. He was honest with me over every single interaction we shared, however brief or bloody. That's more than I can say about some of the people walking the streets of the four communities.

After the final battle, Aaron filled me in on where he was hiding for several days. Tara, while we were first being introduced to Negan, found a little group hidden away on a beach, calling themselves Oceanside. He finally talked to them into joining our fight, offering assistance to Hilltop when some of the saviors broke off, and tried to attack in our absence. Only to be met with literal fire, cutting their lives short.

Daryl begrudgingly mentioned that he sent Dwight away to find his wife instead of killing him. I remember smiling and reminding him that everyone deserves mercy. Somehow it led into a fight. Quite frankly, even if I look at him wrong, it starts a spat. My home life has become more of a fucking war zone than one I ever faced before. I'm more exhausted from walking on eggshells than I am from this pregnancy.

With things less than great with Daryl, I cancelled our trip to Ohio. I know if I went back, I wouldn't want to come back to this, and I wouldn't want to roam with someone who seems like he'd rather be anywhere else, but at my side.

I open the door, stepping into Negan's cell. He drags over a chair, taking in my face twisting in pain. I lower myself down, rubbing my stomach. I let out on a labored breath. The contractions are starting to get closer and closer. I've already had our weekly doctor visit; this time I just want a friend. I'm tired of feeling alone.

"You need to see Siddiq instead of being here, sweetheart. I think those babies are comin' today." Negan rasps, concern dancing on his scruffy face. His tone still quiet and strained. I offered him a notebook months ago so he can write down his statements. He still chooses to use his voice even after I scolded him for it. My eyes land on it sitting alone on the table next to the bed. I shake my head; not wasting my voice on telling him he needs to take it easy. "I'm only equipped to make babies, not deliver them."

During one of our previous visits, I questioned him about the night he saved me. He admitted he had no idea I was carrying twins. Carson did conveniently forget to mention that bit of important information. Upon realizing, he had several people working under him that did everything in their power to betray him, he grew angry. Though, he took that one personally, feeling like he and Carson had both risked myself and my children. I gently reminded him that we came out on the other side of the war and that we were fine. Not to mention, nothing would've stopped me from fighting alongside my friends and family, even if most were angry with me.

I smirk, rolling my eyes, "hey now, I'm your doctor. You don't get to give orders anymore." I wave my hand dismissively. "How are you doing?"

The Woman at The End of The World. (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now