You Should See Me In A Crown

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    "We need a small group to travel incognito to a S.W.O.R.D. facility down in D.C. They have undeniable proof of someone whose been spying on their operations for quite some time. The suspect has been trying to get some intel on some of the higher-ranking agents and members of The Avengers. You can see why after S.H.I.E.L.D., and their history with HYDRA, that S.W.O.R.D. is not too happy about being infiltrated." Steve briefed everyone around the conference room. There was a hologram in the middle of the large conference desk displaying the image of the spy and his current alias and various info.

    "Do we know who he works for?" Clint asked. At this, both Steve and Fury turned to Natasha.

    "S.W.O.R.D. intel says he's working for Dreykov." Fury said. Natasha turned red. She looked every bit as deadly as her namesake. This Dreykov character must be really bad news to elicit such a reaction from the Black Widow herself.

    "S.W.O.R.D. is doing an internal investigation on how he got in, how many more there are, and what possible intel had already been taken. They think that if there are more spies, they might get to him first before we can get any answers out of him. So, we get a small team to escort the prisoner here. Until they can assess what to do with him."

    "Ok, simply grab and go. We get the jet, pick him up, bring him here then lock him in the cellar. What's the issue?" Bucky asked.

    "We don't know if there are any more spies within S.W.O.R.D," Steve said.

    "If anyone else, especially anyone of Dreykov's men hears that we've pulled him out, they will probably send someone to kill him. Or order him to kill himself before we get anything useful." Natasha answered.

    "Correct. Also, they don't want any other unidentified spies to go back into hiding. They want to flush the rest of them out. That's why he hasn't been apprehended yet. He's been fed false information the past forty-eight hours. When we're ready to apprehend him, he'll be set up so that we can grab him easily and escort him here without alerting anyone else that might be a spy," Fury exclaimed.

    "Any volunteers?" Steve asked. Natasha raised her hand. "I'm sorry Nat, but I think you should sit this one out. You're too recognizable. They'll know something is awry if one of the original six shows up." He apologized. Nat lowered her hand slowly, trying to reign in on her anger. Her face was a solemn mask. You grabbed her hand to squeeze it and then raised your other hand to volunteer. You didn't bother looking up at Steve, just at Nat's vengeful eyes. You felt everyone stare in your direction. "Mayari, do you have a question?" Steve asked you.

    You shook your head and started signing, "No. I want to volunteer. Do you not think I should go on this mission, Captain?" Clint translated for you, and you gave him a nod of thanks in turn.

    "I apologize, Mayari. I didn't mean to insult you. You've proven yourself capable today for sure..."

    "I approve!" Nat interrupted. "Mayari has more than proven her capabilities and I sanction her request." She continued, glaring at Steve.

    "I pass her too!" Tony finally chimed in. "Robocop here said it himself 'it's a simple grab and go.' It's just an escort mission, she won't be alone, and it will be a good experience for her."

    "Her physical checks out. As long as she stops by on the regular for her other checkups and sessions, I approve her too." Bruce had said.

    "Well, there you go Cap. What d'ya say?!" Tony asked crossing his arms. "You got the approval from the trainer, the doctor, and the money," pointing his thumbs to himself. Fury nodded his head in agreement.

    "Ok. We'll need some anonymity anyway. They won't know who you are, so they won't expect it. Mayari you're cleared. Loki, I'd like to ask you to be on this as well since..."

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