Six-Inch Heels

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    This was the worst thing you had ever agreed to do

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    This was the worst thing you had ever agreed to do. I'd prefer to be locked in a room with ten HYDRA agents. Hell, make it fifty. But this? Walking around the tower in six-inch stilettos is making you agitated. Not to mention fear for your safety. Tony likes to keep the place spotless, and the floors were routinely moped and shined. You indirectly thought how expensive that service must be for Tony because of all the team members coming and going from missions, and the occasional Stormbreaker drop that Thor exuberantly does.

    Screw that! He's the one that put you up to this. If he wasn't such a playboy, billionaire, genius, philanthropist, you'd be sitting in your room right now basking in the light of the moon, singing to your heart's content. But noooo.

    ~ "Think of the women," Tony said.

    "What women?! I don't need a fashion show to help with my game, Tony." You yelled back.

    "No the battered women?"

    "THE WHAT NOW?! How is walking down a runway for Victoria's Secret going to help the women?" You growled back.

    "Well, with the large paycheck that I, and by 'I,' I mean my fifty some-odd lawyers, negotiated for you, you can easily donate it to that wonderful charity you've been volunteering at." You clenched your fist and your eyes started turning their gleaming white. You were close to losing it and using your divine powers.

    "RiRi," Natasha crooned in your ear whenever your powers started coming to the surface. She laid her hand on your shoulder. "I am so sorry. I should've asked you first. I should've been the one to tell you," Glowering a death stare at Tony. "They had initially asked me, and I had agreed, but now with this mission the team has me going to, I don't know when I'll be back."

    "Why not Wanda, or Val? Hell, do you want me to call Gamora down? I can find her. I will," you said resolutely. She shook her head no. You relaxed your fist and slumped down onto the nearest chair with a sigh. Your eyes had returned to their normal color. "There are so many better options than me& c. What if I trip? What if there's a wardrobe malfunction? I don't think I'm ready. I look nothing like those models. Everyone will just laugh. Or they'll feel pity or smug. And what's worse is that they'll be right to make fun of me. Oh, look! There's that token avenger..."

    "STOP! Stop it this instant!" Tony yelled. "You are the goddess of the moon, the 'Siren's Call'. You are Mayari. You are not a token anything! You are one of the most important, most cunning, most alluring beings to have graced this planet. All those qualities, by their very nature, make you an important part of this team! And more beautiful than any of those models to share that runway with you. Don't ever EVER forget that you are a goddess! Hmm?" Tony pinched your chin. "I don't like anyone talking bad about my team. Even when it's they themselves." He then turned to Nat, raising an eyebrow, almost as if he was asking her if he did well. Nat smiled at Tony's heartfelt decree.

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