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    'Heaven sent you to me. I'm just hopin' I don't repeat history.'

    You weren't usually the first one up in the morning. Sam and Steve would routinely go out for their morning run by 7. Tony would be in his lab, along with Bruce, inventing the next great technology for mankind, you're sure. That is if they even slept the night before. Usually, Vision would be there as a soundboard for the two to bounce ideas off of.

    Yet this morning, he is here with Wanda helping you cook breakfast for the team. It's a usual tradition every Sunday that you had inadvertently started. FRIDAY is blasting music through the speakers. You loved dancing and singing while cooking. You marveled at Tony's state-of-the-art kitchen. You would never have had this back home.

    Granted, you had a village back home where the people often made offerings to you and your sister, the two deities who reside on the floating island. Now and then, you did come down to be with the people of the village. You found that people either stayed away from the fear of you or got closer to worshiping you and your sister. And it was one of these followers where you had learned to cook. You had missed that family connection with your sister being so far away.

    So one Sunday, when you were making yourself a traditional breakfast from back home; scrambled eggs, garlic fried rice, and Longanisa, Wanda had stumbled in sniffing the air like a cartoon following the enticing scent of your cooking. You had made plenty to share, so you made her a plate to join you. Soon after, people trickled in to investigate where the aroma was coming from. A home-cooked meal, I guess, is a novelty around here.

You shared whatever you had left and promised to make more the next week. And boy did they keep you to that promise. You had made eggs, bacon, and pancakes. In another week, you had prepped an omelet-making station the day before so everyone could get custom omelets.

    Word must've gotten out because soon, you were seeing new people join you on Sundays. Peter loved your blueberry muffins and would try to sneak some out with his backpack. Scott and Hope were visiting one time and you had made your traditional breakfast again for them. They said it reminded them of home in the Bay Area where they would frequent this tiny mom-and-pop restaurant.

    You considered food to be your love language. Surely it was okay to feel a little pride and selfishness when the team complimented you on your cooking.

    'Boy, I'm tryna meet your mama on a Sunday. Then make a lotta love on a Monday.'

    So here you were in front of a giant grill standing next to Wanda. She oversaw the eggs, and you were cooking the bacon. Vision was juicing oranges on the island counter behind you two. You loved spending time with the two of them. It was heartwarming to watch the two of them together, talking, hugging, or looking at each other when the other wasn't watching. It gave you hope that one day you could find someone that looks at you the way Vision looks at Wanda.

    It was nearing eight and people were starting to trickle in from various places of the tower. You grabbed a slice of bread from the counter behind you, slathered some butter, and slapped it on the grill to toast it.

    "Do you want some toast?" You asked Wanda.

    "Nah, I'm gonna wait for the pancakes. Thanks"

    "I can get started on those pancakes if you want?" Sam offered walking in from his run with Steve. As he washed his hands, you pulled the toast from the grill and heard Thor exclaim, "Smells delicious. I cannot wait for this feast."

    Thor and Loki had walked in wearing light armor. So they must've just gotten back from training downstairs. And if your eyes had stayed a little too much longer on Loki, you can't be blamed. He had his hair tied in a small bun. And you can just imagine grabbing that bun loose while you kiss him feverishly. As if he could read your thoughts, he looked up at your eyes and you sheepishly looked away. Shit, I got caught.

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