Flashing Lights

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    The tower was abuzz with excitement for the past several days

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    The tower was abuzz with excitement for the past several days. Not only was there a renovation team fixing up the damage from the night of the attack but there were people setting up for the fashion show downstairs.

    Loki had not seen you all day. He couldn't wait to see you at the show tonight. He couldn't wait to see what you would model. Whatever it was he's sure that your grace and beauty would only amplify the garments they chose to adorn you with. He's never been to a fashion show, so he didn't know what to expect.

    "Ok so we have to make an appearance on the red carpet," Tony yelled over everyone gathered in the conference room. Everyone was dressed up in fancy Midgardian attire. Tony looked like a teacher yelling over his class before they embark on a field trip. "That means that we would all have to leave and then arrive in separate cars."

    "But we live here. In the tower. Couldn't we just take the elevator downstairs to the event?" Wilson asked confused.

    "No. We need to show support for our fellow Avenger who will be on the show tonight and that means walking through the red carpet. Plus, it would be good PR and an opportunity for those bloodthirsty vultures to take pictures of us arriving." Pepper mumbled Tony's name under her breath, warning him to calm down. "You guys have fun, walk in with each other, talk to a few reporters. Show the world that The Avengers are people too and that we only have their best interest at heart. Maybe then the Secretary of State would get off our backs." His sarcastic smile beaming.

    "If only." Both Lieutenant Rhodes and Pepper said simultaneously under their breaths. The team was led out the back entrances and separated into two limousines. They were driven around the block, then dropped off at the front of the tower. Loki decided to ride in the second car, the one without the super soldiers. He sat with Thor and Jane. Even young Peter was there, who was shadowing Tony in the guise of his assistant/intern. Clint was holding hands with an alluring woman, whom Loki thought must be his wife. Even Bruce and Natasha were here and dressed elegantly.

   "Natasha. It's so good to see you out and about," Thor casually stated.

    "Thank you. I couldn't miss Mayari doing the show. I know she still blames me for pushing her to do this. So, I want to support her. Besides, I love Victoria's Secret lingerie. I might pick up a few items next time I go shopping." Bruce looked flushed and uncomfortable. Loki just looked...confused. Lingerie?! A sudden realization came into Loki's eyes. In all his inquiries as to what a fashion show was, he should've asked about the brand that you were modeling for. Oh, Norns. I don't think I'm gonna be ready for this.

    The team stepped out onto a scream of people and photographers shouting to get their attention. Tony and Pepper paused now and then to wave and let any photographers take pictures. He saw that the first car had already dropped off the other team and Steve Rogers was giving an interview dressed sharply in a tuxedo. They all made their way through the boisterous crowds and back inside the tower. Loki presented his ticket invite to a rather frenzied-looking woman with a headset. Once inside the lobby, the team mingled with other guests of the show. There were celebrities, actors, singers. Servers were passing out trays of little hors d'oeuvres. Loki was impatient to get through this crowd. He headed for the elevators and called the lift to go up to the stage area.

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