So This Is Love.

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The Yuletide festival kicks off today. It would be twelve days of celebrating. Everyone was welcome to attend the festivities. The gates were opened and everyone who passed through Heimdall's temple was awe-struck not just by the temple, but by the guardian's gaze himself. It's been rumored that he could see right through your very soul and if he saw you unfit, he would have you removed from the city.

The believers would bow and pay their respects to Heimdall. They would give him a wide berth as well as offerings of coffee or tea. It was the non-believers he kept his watch on. The antagonist. Yet, Heimdall would not kick them out. No. The point of the festivities was to prove to the nay-sayers that there is nothing evil being done towards their beloved wildlands. That the city is not harboring anything dangerous. He would thank the devoted, but he would watch the skeptics.

The entire city was a buzz so early in the morning. People were trying to utilize the little sunlight they get during the winter months. Spruce garland hung from streetlight to streetlight with red holly freckling the greenery every few feet. There were stands in front of most homes where the Asgardian citizens were selling their wares and crafts or baked goods. The local lumberjacks were offering Yule logs to the masses. The fishermen stood by their boats and offered their fresh catch of the day. By far the most popular stands were the food stalls. Baked goods, marzipan, and cider could be found spread throughout the city.

Tonight, they would light, and keep aflame a giant evergreen Yule log in the town square to start the 12 days of Yuletide with the Winter Solstice. In four days, the team would be celebrating Christmas in the New Asgardian mansion. On the twelfth night of celebrations, the charity auction would be held in the Langhus, celebrating the New Year as well. All in all, a very busy two weeks ahead.

"Isn't tonight, like a big deal for you?" You asked Bucky. "Don't you hand out candy? Or presents?" You joked, trying to contain your chuckle. You were walking hand-in-hand with Loki as Nat and Bucky accompanied you on a walk around the city. Bucky just gave you a hard stare.

"It's the Winter Solstice. I'm the winter Soldier. And isn't that Thor's job anyway? Now that he's the Allfather?"

"Why can't you do that? You're old enough, aren't you? What, you're like 1,007 or something? Where's your reindeer Bucky?" Nat asked, completely ignoring what Bucky said. "Do you fly around granting Christmas miracles?" At this point, you and Loki had started laughing outright.

"I'm 107! It'll be a miracle you get anything from me after that comment, Nat." Bucky said threateningly.

"Like you could catch me anyway. Use your reindeer to fly old man. See what happens." Nat laughed as she ran back to the mansion. Bucky chasing after her. You laughed and relished the joyous feeling you were having at watching your friends being carefree.

"It's heartwarming to hear you laugh," Loki said, kissing your hand. You stood on your toes to reach his cheek and kissed him back. You continued strolling throughout the city with Loki. Just enjoying the time together. He wanted to do one last check before the big bonfire tonight with the Yule log and tend to any needs the vendors might have.

He listened to the needs of his people — the vendors selling their wares in front of their homes. Some didn't have stalls and would just have tables to showcase their goods, various woodworks, paintings, or textiles. But Loki would stop at each and every one of them and ask if they required anything. Most of them were content and were just happy to show their goods. Other problems were just as insignificant. Nothing he couldn't fix with some choice words.

"You're happy here." You noted. "You're not as guarded as you are in the tower. This is the most I've seen you talk to strangers."

"Does it displease you?"

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