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    Minutes passed by. Maybe hours. You were taken by surprise when you heard an explosion in the distance. He told you to wait inside the jet. You all knew that there would be some of Dreykov's men here and if they got a hold of you, it would be disastrous. But you weren't just going to sit there while your friends and lover risked their lives for you. If it's me they want, they'll get it, in the worst possible way.

    You tapped your heart for your armor and left the jet. You were armed only with your hidden daggers and fighting batons behind you. "Mayari..." FRIDAY tried to stop you.

    "Don't try FRIDAY. I'm doing this. Go on and tell them, if you want, but I'm going out there." You followed the trail of smoke in the sky. The explosion from earlier, you guessed. As you run through the jagged hillside and random patches of a glade, you heard strong shouts and yelling. There was a large fight happening not too far away from you. As you got closer, you started getting targeted by enemies left and right. You fought your way down the hill. You compelled two soldiers to stand beside you and protect you before singing got to be too much and you had to dispose of them as well.

    As you got further and further into the fray, you noticed some of the men wearing different uniforms. Different helmets.

    You had relied on your divinity too much. You should've practiced more with those knife drills Loki had given you. The men were wearing soundproof helmets. They couldn't hear you sing. They probably couldn't hear anything else either but that was enough to render your power useless. You only had your fighting skills and above-average strength as a goddess to help you.

    You were holding your own. You took out multiple assailants by yourself as you made your way closer to the team. The last man had gotten a jump on you from behind and stabbed your side just under the ribs. FUCK! You screamed out in pain. You had enough adrenaline to turn and smash his helmet into his face. You heard a crunch, and his visor was completely shattered with blood when you pulled your hand away. You looked down at the handle of the blade that was inside of you. Your vision started blurring. Shitshitshit. You pulled on it gently causing you more pain. "OK. You're staying inside then." You're breathing got ragged.

    That was when you stumbled to try and find help. You saw Thor and Loki not too far off, but you didn't know if you had enough strength to make it.

    The pain was beyond agonizing. The sharpness and the ache radiating throughout your whole body. You clutched the knife that was still in your side, afraid to pull it out. You could feel your blood running down from the side of your stomach, down your legs. Splatters of red follow you as you walked. "Loki," you whispered, unable to say anything louder than the small breath you had left in your lungs. You fell to your knees, sending more pain up your thighs. You were sure you broke a knee cap.

    Warm arms wrapped themselves around you before you hit the ground. You looked up to see Loki's worried face. Grief was etched in his sharp features. Your sight was fading. So many thoughts running through your mind.

    You don't know how much time you have left. How do you tell him everything? All the love, all the laughs, all the cries. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to listen to you. I...I should've..." you garbled through.

    "Save your energy." He said as he held your face and tried to calm you. "You were always a stubborn thing. Why stop now? Come on love. Don't fall asleep on me." He tried to keep you awake.

    It was no use. Your time was up, and you knew it. You gathered enough energy to whisper a song. You wanted to compel him to see your emotions. Visions that you'd hope would tell Loki that you would love him forever. Even when you aren't together anymore.

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