Put On Repeat

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    Waking up, you had stretched out with your arms above your head

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    Waking up, you had stretched out with your arms above your head. You yawned, as the tips of your toes fanned out, stretching as well. Loki's fingers trailed across your abdomen finding purchase on your side, then pulled you in closer to him. You giggled into his chest as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You curled up to his neck smelling his scent of leather and honey. He smelled so delicious that you stuck your tongue out and licked the side of his neck.

    "Kitten..." he sighed in a warning tone. He reached for your chin and guided your lips to his. "I've had to endure a long night of watching you sleep. Although I've enjoyed every second of it, I've also had to wrestle with letting you rest and not ravishing you here while you were in my arms."

    "I'm sorry." You said shyly as you started to pull away.

    "No, no, no. Come back." He chuckled into your ear. He grabbed you a little more forcefully and began to kiss you again. You giggled as the two of you laid there, legs tangled in a heated kiss, in the makeshift bed Loki made the night before. The moon was long gone and so was your moonlit form. The early sun had come out, changing you back, and is now beaming through the windows.

    "You stayed." You whispered into his lips, not wanting to break the connection.

    "How could I leave you after last night? As I said, I will be your happy prisoner," he continued the kiss as his lips traveled all over your face. Your cheeks, your nose, your eyes.

    Last night was the pinnacle of all the feelings, missed chances, and flirtatious glances finally coming together. You had enjoyed each other, without figuratively 'sleeping' with each other. You expected him to leave as soon as you fell asleep. It was comforting to have woken up next to him.

    Loki would not push you. He would take whatever you wanted to give him because he knew that it would only prolong the sweet burn he had for you. He wanted you to be comfortable. He wanted it to be your choice. And when you do finally decide to share yourself with him, it would be like going to Valhalla himself.

    Oh, but he did enjoy that burn, that heat, that only comes when you're around. He thought that being with you last night would satiate that appetite he developed for you. It somehow just made it worse. It was a constant internal struggle to leave you be or ravage you where you laid, underneath him.

   Now, he could actually do something about it. He wanted to tease you and break you out of your comfort zone. You had said 'yes' to him last night, and he wanted you to keep saying yes to him. He wanted to show you all the lewd thoughts he's been having about you the past year since you've been in his life. Ugh! The chaos in his mind! What have you done to me?!

    "Did you sleep well?" you asked him as he trailed his fingers down your thighs, hooking your knee over his hips.

    "Hmm. Better than expected." He answered, brushing the pad of his thumb on your hardened nipple through your shirt. He continued to kiss and taunt you, holding your head with his other hand, so you couldn't move away. He rolled on top of you, his leg straddling up to your side. You welcomed his weight making you feel secure as you dipped your hands underneath the back of his shirt leaving scratches on his lower back.

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