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    Knock. Knock. Knock.

    You woke up to a loud knocking on your door. You sat up and looked around you. Your bathroom door was already open. Oh, wait. It's coming from my bedroom door. You stood up, grabbing the counter for support. Sunlight had shone through your window illuminating your bedroom. Gods, did I sleep on my bathroom floor last night?

    You opened the door to find, "Darcy?" You said questioningly.

    "Hey, moon momma. I was hoping to use your bathroom to shower if that's ok. I see you've already done that. Getting ready for the day?" She pointed to you. You were confused until you looked down at yourself. You were still wearing your towel from last night. Your hair must still be damp too. You held on to your towel tighter. You tried to shrink yourself and hide. No one should see you like this.

    "Um, ya come on in. Did you stay the night? Where's Jane?"

    "She's with Thor, sleeping in Loki's room." You furrowed your eyebrows at her, prompting her to continue. "Thor had forgotten to tell people we were coming and couldn't find last-minute rooms for us in the Tower. I offered to just sleep on the couch, but his highness wouldn't have any of it. So he offered Loki's room. But can you imagine having a slumber party with the god of mischief?" Darcy asked rhetorically. Shamelessly, you had thought about it. Multiple times.

    "I'd probably wake up with snakes or something worse," Darcy continued. "So I said, 'no thank you.' Then, Thor offered up his own room. But that left him and Jane without a room, so they took Loki's. Loki slept on the couch, in the common room, last night. But it wasn't without convincing. I believe fifty cases of Asgardian mead and 3 months' worth of royal responsibilities were negotiated."

    "So, Thor and Jane were in Loki's room last night?" you asked.

    "Yup. Loki hates it when I'm here. He somehow gets the short end of the stick."

     "Was he...with anyone...I mean, did he come home with anyone la...last night?"

     "Who? Loki? I don't know. I saw him drinking with someone, before that whole incident. Which, by the way, you kicked ass in! Look I got the whole thing on video." She took out her phone and cued up the video. It started with Jane smiling into the camera telling Darcy about the drink she was having. Then you can hear Darcy say, 'holy shit,' and she panned over to where you were. You broke off the assault and you slapped Jacob hard in the face. You had transformed, gripping Jacobs's hand like it was a small twig. 'You forget your place, mortal. Don't think of me as prey for your one-sided game of cat-and-mouse. You are not worthy. You are not even a player, in this ill-begotten game of yours.' Your voice echoed. You didn't even sound like yourself.

    "Do I really talk like that?" you asked bewildered.

    "What? Your voice? No. The speech? Also no. You channeled your inner BEAST! Ooh here's my favorite part." She pointed back to her phone. "'I am a goddess. You will treat me as such.' Bam!" Darcy mouthed your words as you said them on screen. "That dickwad had it coming."

    "You don't think it was bad of me to use my power on him? I could've killed him?!"

    "Good. One less predator. He was a villain RiRi! Everybody knew what he did." You looked away. Holding your towel tighter around you. "Hey. Are you ok?"

    "I'm not used to being...that was my first time with an unwanted...I mean I know it was a small transgression, and it could've been worse. I mean he offered me a drink, which I already knew was suspicious..."

    "He drugged your drink too?!"

    "Possibly. I didn't drink it, so I don't know. But I know I have no right to complain when there are countless other victims out there who had it worse...and the fact that it was in front of a lot of people..." You sat on your couch, hiding under the throw pillows. Darcy joined you.

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