Boys Like You

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    Once you both got to his room, Loki snapped his fingers and the fireplace lit up with a roar

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    Once you both got to his room, Loki snapped his fingers and the fireplace lit up with a roar. Bright warmth had crept towards you inviting you to stand in front of the hearth. Loki came out of his bathroom holding two large towels as you stood dripping in front of the fire. He unfolded one and embraced it around you from behind, running his hands up and down your arms. "Thank you," you whispered. He contemplated whether he should use his seidr to dry himself off. Instead, he made a show of running his towel through his hair and sitting down to take off his wet shoes.

    You hadn't turned once from the fireplace. Water dripped down your dress and onto his floor. "What's the matter, darling?" He asked softly, coming from behind you again. He wrapped his arms around you, and you leaned your head back onto him, smiling. He led you from the hearth to sit you down in the chair he just occupied. Loki knelt in front of you, and he put one of your feet up onto his knees. He zipped down your boot and worked it off. Then he zipped down your other boot and took that off as well. He dried your legs up and down, feeling how wet they were. "You're going to catch a cold like this," he said, looking up.

    "Yes," you said. Loki looked at you curiously, not for the first time tonight.

    "You want to catch a cold?" He questioned, a slight chuckle coming from his lips.

    "It's the answer to your question. You had asked if that was the reason why I was holding off on more. And the answer is yes." You clarified. "I didn't want to have the memory of being with you...tainted if you had been under the call and your feelings not being true. It would truly hurt me. Not to mention, not consensual on your part. I want you to want me. Truly want me...the way I want you." You looked away at that last part. Of everything you two had done the last two days, you still felt shy around him.

    Loki sat up between your legs, spreading your knees apart. He encircled his arms around your hips and pushed you closer to him. "Darling, there has been no one who has captured my entire being, the way you have. You have enchanted me since the moment I laid my eyes on you. That is not because of your divinity. It's because you are charming, graceful, beautiful. You don't have to do anything that you're not comfortable with. I don't want to push you into anything that would take away from...this. I like spending time with you, in any way shape, or form. I always have. Now, we just get to be a little more intimate."

    You wrapped your arms around his neck, taking the towel around with you. You kissed his cold, but soft lips, warming them easily. He broke the kiss gently and rested his forehead on yours. "In fairness, I should tell you that, I thought it was because of my Jotunn form that had made you hesitate." He didn't look up at you.

    "Why would it? I know you haven't shared that part of yourself with me, and that's ok. But that wouldn't make me like you any less, Loki." He rested his head on your shoulder. Your embrace got tighter around him, enveloping him further into the shared towel you held.

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