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    "This is it," Tony said. "If you can get this, we can finally get Dreykov and stop him for good. FRIDAY has been doing a scan thanks to the algorithm I created. We narrowed his possible locations down to two."

    Natasha studied the map. Both locations were in the middle of the ocean. One in the Atlantic by Portugal. The other is in The Indian by Madagascar. "He won't stay there long. He will leave for a new location in less than forty-eight hours. If that happens, it will be another week before the algorithm can predict his location again, and then we'll have to start the forty-eight-hour clock over." Tony continued.

    "We promised this for you, Nat. If you're ready to go. We want to be discreet about this before we alert the United Nations under the Accords." Steve added.

    "I'm ready," Nat said fiercely.

    "Does she have to go alone?" Clint asked. "What if he initiated the Black Widow Program again. You are gonna be up against...well, more of you!"

    "No. We destroyed all the files. Melina is in hiding. She would only know half of the procedure anyway." Nat said firmly.

    "I've analyzed the previous batch of Black Widow serum you gave me awhile back. I've been able to duplicate the cure successfully." Bruce said, handing Nat a small spray can.

    "Pepper spray?" she questioned.

    "It's small and convenient. And reusable!" Bruce said proudly. "But that's only if he did start the program again. Otherwise, it's just a good deterrent."

    "I can send cloud cover for you, and possibly some thunder for distraction, but that can only get you onto his vessel." Thor offered.

    "That would be more than enough." Nat nodded back to Thor.

    "No one else outside the six of us knows what we're planning. Fury is on a need-to-know basis. He doesn't know how or when we will strike, or even if. He wanted full immunity in case he needs to save our asses from bureaucrats." Tony started.

    "So, if this all goes south, we would have to include the other members of the team." Steve finished.

    "Shouldn't we have done that in the first place?" Clint asked. "I mean they are after Mayari. She has the right to know."

    "She does. And we'll tell her. Right after I bring her Dreykov's head." Natasha said with a cold stare. Tony and Steve looked at each other, questioning whether letting Natasha get her revenge was a good idea.

    "I trust that you'll keep a cool head, Nat," Steve said, patting her on the back. He walked across Tony's private living room and signaled the elevator to come. "Good luck."

    Bruce and Clint hugged Nat each. Thor gave her a warrior's handshake. "You will be victorious, Natasha." She nodded her head and gave him a slight smirk. One by one, the members left Tony's private floor.

    "It will take a while for FRIDAY to scour CCTV and other social media and news outlets to determine which location he is at. Chances are, someone has spotted one of his men out in the local town somewhere. So..." Tony said clapping his hands. "...I want you to go downstairs, wear the most scandalous dress you own, and join me for a party. It is my birthday after all." He finished with a smile. "I'll let you know if something comes up."

    Natasha nodded. One last hurrah shouldn't be too bad. "You know, you're gonna have to get someone new to fill in for me at the fashion show?" Nat quipped.

    "I've got someone in mind," Tony said.

    "I've got someone in mind," Tony said

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