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    The objective was simple. It was time for his brother to finally feel like he belonged somewhere. Thor knew that Loki didn't feel accepted. Like he had no home. A hermit. He wasn't truly Asgardian. He was a frost giant, a Jotunn. Yet, because he spent his whole life in Asgard, as an Asgardian prince, he doesn't know what it's like to be a Jotunn either. Now, he's living here in Midgard. Thor himself felt displaced sometimes. He can't imagine what Loki must feel like.

    Yet, whenever he sees his younger brother with you, Loki has the biggest smile on his face. He's so open and unguarded. Your powers aside, he knows that Loki genuinely likes spending time with you and seeks out your company. He's watched your interactions from the corners of his eyes, behind semi-closed doors, through glass windows, or from up above the gym track. He sees the way you look at him too. The way you talk, and more importantly, the way you listen to him.

    So, he's made it his mission to bring you two together. Thor feels like you can finally ground Loki and give him a sense of belonging. A sense of home. He sees it, why can't either of you see it too? The only other problem is, Loki is not the only one you've garnered attention from. He knows that Sgt. Barnes harbors feelings for you. Barnes is a good friend, a worthy opponent for his brother. But if Barnes is serious about his feelings for you, then Thor would have no option but to let things run their course naturally and not get involved. I will not take that choice away from Mayari, whatever her choice may be.

    However, if it's just a fleeting fancy for Barnes, Thor will most definitely try to find a way to get you and his brother together. But how...

    "What are you thinking about, Thor?" Wanda asked. "Your thoughts are so loud, but I can't understand them, and I can't ignore them either! It's like electricity cackling."

    "I need to find a way to get my brother and Lady Mayari together."

    At this, Wanda gasped and said, "So, you see it too? I keep asking her if she likes someone but she's always denying it. Goddess or not, she can't lie to me, I can read her mind. I knew she liked Loki. Does your brother feel the same way? Has he said anything to you? Come on, spill the tea."

    "Oh no! What tea? I had a glass of water." Thor looked around at his feet to see a spill but couldn't find any.

    "No! I meant what's the news, the gossip?" Wanda lit up like a neon sign.

    "Well, he has admitted as much. He mentioned something about it some time ago but hasn't said anything about it since. I can see a great change in him. I've never seen him as happy as I've seen him in the last couple of months. But I feel like it's plateaued. Neither was willing to make a move. Ever since the night of the attack, Loki has been a little more on edge. If something doesn't happen soon, I'm afraid nothing ever will."

    "Ok, so we make it happen. What can we do?"

    "You will help me in this endeavor, sorceress?"

    "Mayari is my friend; I want to see her happy. Plus, this allows me to play matchmaker."

    "Wonderful! First things first. We have to get rid of the competition."

    "Whose that?"


    "Ba...are you sure?" Wanda questioned, giving Thor a confused look. "I've never gotten that vibe from him before."

    "He's always around her. And when he is around her, Loki doesn't go anywhere near them."

    Just then, Sam walks into the common area from the lab, holding Redwing. "Hey, guys!" Sam says holding up a wave as he passed.

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