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    The following week will be the hardest week of your time here at the tower. It will test your stamina, your resourcefulness, your strength, your endurance. It will test your party planning skills, as well as your culinary skills. It's Tony's 49th birthday next weekend and he decided he wanted to start celebrating it this weekend.

    "He's been celebrating his 49th birthday for a while now. Every year since...I'm not legally allowed to say when," said Pepper. "He always makes it a big deal. This year, since you've joined, I know for a fact that he loves your cooking, RiRi. I wanted to do something special for him and I was wondering if I could ask you for some recipes or some tips in the kitchen." She continued. Oh, my word.

    "Really?! Wow. I would be honored, Pepper. I would be glad to show you any recipe or give you anything you need. That's exciting! But wait, aren't you busy planning that fashion show?"

    "Yes! On top of his birthday party and the multi-billion-dollar company he left me to run." She said with a plastic smile on her face. It almost made you laugh. It certainly made you grin.

    "Ok. I don't want to take your thunder or your gift away from you. But what if I offer to cook dinner. Just for the two of you. For the rest of the week. Like a private chef. Wait, do you guys have one already?"

    "We do, but only for special occasions. I usually cook. Or we do take out. Or go...out."

    "All right. So what do you say? Of course, I would be happy either way if you just want me to help out or show you some recipes."

    "I would love it if you could cook for us. Is that ok? I don't want to inconvenience you. And of course, if Avenger things happen to come up, that always takes precedence."

    "Nothing would make me happier. Consider it a 'thanks' for all that you guys have done for me. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for his...tenacity and your generosity, Pepper."

    "You're being too kind. You can call him pigheaded, or stubborn. I often do." You laughed. It was then that her phone started ringing. Pepper picked up her things from the counter and continued to talk, "Seriously, thank you! You're a lifesaver. In more ways than one. If you have any questions, ask FRIDAY." She said already at the elevator doors. "I'm sorry I have to run. It's the D.A." You waved to her as she stepped into the elevator.

    "Don't worry, I got it."

    "I don't got it

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    "I don't got it." What are you going to do? Planning a week's long menu is hard enough, but you decided to make a three-course meal each night! What were you thinking? On top of that, there's a barbecue happening tomorrow to kick off Tony's birthday week and you agreed to marinade the barbecue that they're going to be grilling tomorrow.

    Ok. Get a grip. First things first...make a menu, then take inventory, then make a grocery list. Thanks to FRIDAY, you had a pretty good idea of what Pepper and Tony liked to eat and what they're allergic to.

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