Going The Extra Mile

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Concierge: "Good evening, my name is Jisoo, how may I help you?"

Caller: "I have a problem and I need help."

Jisoo: "Sure, I'm at your service. May I know what kind of assistance do you require, Miss.... (looking for the caller's name on the screen) Kim?"

Miss Kim: "I'm doing a crossword puzzle and I'm stuck at one of the clues."

Jisoo has heard of many weird requests before but this request for assistance in a crossword puzzle is certainly a first.

Jisoo: "May I ask what's the clue given and how many letters does the answer contain?"

Miss Kim: "The clue is expert and the answer contains four letters."

Jisoo: "The clue is expert...hmmm....expert. How about whiz as in whiz kid?"

Miss Kim: "There is a letter U at the end of the word."

Jisoo: "A letter U. (thinks hard). Oh, try guru! G-U-R-U. Guru."

Miss Kim: "G-U-R-U. (sound of pencil scratching against the paper) Got it. It's the right answer. Thank you."

Jisoo: "You're most welcome. Thank you for calling Visa Signature Concierge service."

Fifteen minutes later...

Jisoo: Good evening, my name is Jisoo, how ..."

Miss Kim: "What is the answer for 'Warning! This woman is dangerous.'"

Jisoo : (finds the voice familiar. Looks at the screen and realizes it is the same lady who called earlier on). "Sorry, you mentioned a dangerous woman?"

Miss Kim : (sighs). "I said, this woman is dangerous. I didn't say anything about a dangerous woman."

Jisoo : (scratches her head) "Don't they mean the same thing?"

Miss Kim : (louder sigh, impatient tone). "So what's the answer?"

Jisoo: "Sorry madam, you need the answer for?"

Miss Kim : (annoyed) "My crossword puzzle."

Jisoo: "Oh. Hmm...how many letters?"

Miss Kim: "Five."

Jisoo : (thinks for a moment) "Try Siren."

Miss Kim : (muttering) "Siren. S-I-R-E-N. Great! Thanks."

Jisoo: "Thank you for calling..."

[Ends call]

Twenty minutes later...

Jisoo: "Good evening, my ..."

Miss Kim: "Last one. The clue is importunate."

Jisoo : (sighs upon the familiar demanding voice. Puts on a smile and speaks professionally) "Sorry madam, I didn't catch the clue. Could you spell it out for me?"

Miss Kim : I-M-P-O-R-T-U-N-A-T-E. Nine letters for this blank.

Jisoo : (types the word into Google and searches for the meaning of it) "Ah...I learned a new word today (and the word is well-suited for you)."

Miss Kim : (impatient tone. Sound of pencil tapping against a book) "What's the answer?"

Jisoo: "Try demanding."

Miss Kim: "Demanding. D-E-M-A-N-D-I-N-G."

Jisoo: "Is that correct, Miss Kim?"

Miss Kim: "You're right. Thanks."

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