Chapter 3

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Paisley's POV
~~~Four Weeks Later~~~
I was walking down the hall with Johnny when the scent of the cafeteria food hit my nose. I threw my books in Johnny's arms and dropped my bag on the floor next to him, running into the bathroom to throw up.

When I finished throwing up, I flushed and walked out of the stall. I went over to the sink and looked in the mirror. I grabbed a paper towel and wet one end of it. I whipped the runny make up out from under my eyes and used the dry side of the paper towel to dry the remaining moisture.

I took a deep breath, fixed my hair, and walked back out to Johnny. He looked at me like he was debating on saying something. I picked my bag up and got a piece of gum out.

"Baby girl why have you been throwing up so much lately? You're not sick are you?" He asked concerned and I shook my head. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked and ai thought for a minute.

"Here give me your hand." I said quietly and he hesitated but did it anyways. I took his hand in mine and walked out to the field with him. I made sure that no one was around before looking at Johnny.

I held tears back as I quietly said, "I think I'm pregnant."

Johnny's POV

"I think I'm pregnant." Paisley said and I felt my heart drop. I knew she was a virgin so that means she's not anymore.

"Do you know who's it might be?" I asked quietly. A single tear fell from her eyes as she looked at me with fear. "Dallas is the only guy I've slept with.." she cried.

I pulled her into a hug and held her close as she cried into my chest. "Hey it's gonna be okay.." i said as I ran my fingers through her hair.

"Hey, lets skip the rest of the school day and go get a test from the store. I'll buy it for you." I said and she sniffled with a slight nod.

~~~Twenty Minutes Later~~~
Paisley's POV
Johnny and I walk into my house and I run to the bathroom to take the test and tell him to wait in my room.

After taking the test, I walk in my room and shut the door. I set the test face down on the table by my bed and sat by Johnny. He placed an arm around me and pulled me close. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

We waited for what felt like five hours. "How long did it say to to wait?" He asked. "Five minutes.." I spoke quietly. I looked at the clock and saw that there was only a few seconds left until I had to check.

"Johnny, I'm scared." I said and looked up at him. He was a good few inches taller than me. "It's okay baby girl. I'm right here with you." He said and I nodded and took a deep breath.

I reached over and grabbed the test, let the breath I was holding out, and flipped it over. Two pink lines were on the small screen.

I'm pregnant.

I began crying and through the test to the foot of my bed. Johnny pulled me close to him and held me tight. "Shhh. It's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. I'm right here." He softly spoke.

My bedroom door opened and before I could register who it was, Steve's voice rang out through my room.

"Hey what's wrong with-" he didn't finish his sentence. I looked at him and saw he was looking at the pregnancy test at the foot of my bed. He picked it up and stared at it.

"Paisley what is this?" He asked calmly. "Steve I'm sorry!" I cried out. "You're pregnant?" He asked, as calmly as before. I couldn't speak.

"Is Johnny the father?" He asked in a more serious tone. Johnny and I both sat up straight and said "No!"

Steve sighed in relief. "Who's is it? Do you know?" He asked softly as he sat down on my bed. I hesitated and looked down.

"Dallas is the only person I've ever slept with. It was only one time... when I snuck out to the party two weeks ago..." I said as I continued to look at the floor.

"Paise, you have to Dallas. And the rest of the gang." Steve stated. I looked up at him with fear. He pulled me into a hug and kisses the top of my head.

~~~At the Curtis House~~~

"What did you guys need to tell us?" Sodapop asked. "Steve you sounded like you'd seen a ghost when you called." Soda laughed.

"Paisley you look sick. Are you feeling alright?" Darry asked and I felt as though I was going to explode at any second. My stomach was twisting in knots.

"I'm pregnant and Dallas is the father." I blurted out with my eyes closed. Everyone went quiet. I opened my eyes and saw everyone looking at me.

Darry looked worried. Sodapop looked like he was trying to process what I said. Ponyboy and Rosalee looked like they wanted to cry. Two-bit had turned away from the tv. Dallas was staring off like he was thinking something but didn't know how to say it. Then, he said something that shocked all of us.

"I'll help you." Dallas said. We all looked at him shocked. "I'll help you with the baby." He said and stood up. "I'll go talk to Buck to see if I can get more hours working at the bar and stables. See if I can make some extra money for appointments and stuff." He said and walked out of the front door.

~~~~Later That Night~~~~
Dallas' POV
I can't have a kid. I'm not staying. I know I said I would help but it was a lie. A lie that they all believed. I have to get out of town. I'll head back to New York. I'll be gone before they wake up in the morning.

I don't wanna leave Johnny, Paisley and Rosalee behind, but this is the best thing to do. That kid will have a better life not knowing me. Paisley can raise the kid right. I gotta get outta here.

A/N: Okay so this chapter is finally up. Hope you guys like it.


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