Chapter 8

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Paisley's POV

I could feel my body in all kinds of pain. I opened my eyes and immediately closed them. I slowly opened them again. Looking around, I could see that I was in a hospital room. I looked to my side and saw both Johnny and Dallas.

"Johnny?" I said softly and he immediately sprang up and was by my side. "Hey baby girl." He said and kissed my head. "Why am I in here?" I asked softly.

"You fainted when the doctor told you about Steve.." he answered carefully. I instantly started freaking out. "The baby! Is she okay? Is Beth okay?" I asked and Johnny took my hand.

"Baby calm down. She's okay. You haven't had her yet. You still got a month and a half left before she gets here." He said and I relaxed.

"How long have a I been out?" I asked, changing my look between him and Dallas.

"You've been out for six weeks doll." Dallas said and Johnny shot him a look. "Watch it Winston. She's not your girl." Johnny said annoyed.

"I have two questions." I said and Johnny looked at me. "What is it baby?" He asked and sat next to my legs in the bed.

"First, when can I get out of here?" I asked and he frowned. "Doc wants you to stay in here for the rest of your pregnancy baby. She said it was better for your health and for the baby." He said and I nodded. "Okay now my other question..  What the hell is he doing here?" I asked and Dallas spoke up.

"I came back cause I wanted to be in the baby's life." He said and I sneered. "You think you can just walk out on me and the baby after promising to be here and then waltz back in like nothing? No. You don't get that choice anymore. I don't want my daughter to get her heart broken because her father can't be responsible enough." I said and Dallas looked at me shocked.

"I'm here now Paise. Let me make I right!" He begged. "You wanna be in the baby's life? Then prove it. No jail. No trouble. If you can do that then I MIGHT consider it." I said and he sighed. "Johnny is signing the birth certificate." I said and Dallas looked up with shock.

"What!? Why? He's not her dad!" He said and I looked at him. "No he's not. But you're not her father. Johnny's been here through everything. While you were in New York doing God knows what."

Dallas sighed and walked out of the room. I relaxed a little bit and looked at Johnny. "How's Steve and Sodapop?" I asked softly.

"Sodapop is okay. He's in here until his ribs heal. Steve is still in a coma..." He said the last part softly. I leaned my head back on pillow and let tears fall out of my eyes.

"He'll be okay baby. Steve is the strongest person I know. He can do this. He'll make it." Johnny said and kissed my head. "Are you hungry?" He asked and I smiled.

"I'm craving a chili dog from Dairy Queen." I said and he smiled. "I'll be right back baby." He said and stood up. He left the room to go get us food and I laid back and tried to relax.

I heard the door open and looked up to see Stephanie and Darry. I sat up and smiled. "Hey!" I said excitedly. "Hey kiddo. How ya feeling?" Darry asked.

"I'm okay. Johnny went to get food." I smiled. I looked at Stephanie and smiled. "Hey Steph." She sat next to me and smiled. "Hey Paise." she leaned against the back of the bed next to me and looked at me. "So what are you going to do about my idiot brother?" she asked and I sighed. 

"Until he can prove to me that he can grow up and stay out of trouble, I don't want him anywhere near me or the baby. As far as I'm concerned, Johnny is the father of my child. Dallas is just the town bad boy that knocked me up." I said and she nodded. "I don't blame you. My brother isn't ever going to grow up." she said and I nodded and leaned my head back. 

A few minutes later, Johnny walked in with some food and drinks. He walked over to me and kissed my head. "Hey beautiful." he smiled. I smiled back and kissed his cheek. "Hey baby." 


The rest of the night was spent talking to the small amount of the gang that we still had. Sodapop and I aren't aloud to leave our rooms until we're better. Two-bit said that he talked to Sodapop for about an hour before he fell asleep and came into my room. I knew the last couple of months I had left of my pregnancy were going to be tough, but I didn't want anything to happen to Bethany. Johnny stayed with me everyday until he had to go to school and work. He brought me my school work before he left for work. 

One of my teachers come by when she leaves the school everyday to help me stay caught up with my school work. She's really sweet. Mrs. Ashner is one of the best teachers at the school. She doesn't care if you're greaser or soc, she likes everyone. In her call greasers and socs actually get along. Right now I have to finish a paper for English, math homework, Spanish homework and history homework.

My doctor came in yesterday and did a checkup on me and the baby. I'm seven and a half months pregnant now.  I can feel the baby moving every now and then and I can see where she kicks her little foot against my stomach. Johnny thought it was cute and Ponyboy asked if there was an alien in my stomach. That earned him a smack against the head by Dallas and Darry.

Steve still hasn't woken up yet and Sodapop is aloud to move around in his room some now. I'm worried about Steve and everyone knows it. I over heard the nurse and doctor talking last night about pulling the plug. I haven't told the gang what they said. I don't want them to freak out.

A/N: Hey guys sorry it's been so long. I've been busy with some personal things. I hope everyone is doing okay. Hopefully the next chapter will be better than this one. I hope you still like the book. I'm not making any promises but I'll try to update either tonight or within the next few days.


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