Chapter 38

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~~~A Month Later~~~

Paisley's POV

I am now eight and a half months pregnant, I haven't been able to get out of bed unless I'm going to the bathroom. Dally has to help me walk because my body is in a lot of pain. Doctor Emberlyn said that she wants me to stay in bed so I don't cause any stress on me or the baby. 

I've been in pain all day and haven't felt like even sitting up in bed. Dally keeps coming in and checking on me. He's really worried even though I keep telling him not to be. The gang has been coming over here to hangout since I can't get out of bed.

"Paisley, how're you feeling, doll?" Dally asked as he walked into our room and sat on the bed. I looked up at him and smiled tiredly. "I'm okay, just a little sore. Dally can you help me up? I need to use the bathroom." I said tiredly and he nodded with a sweet smile.

As soon as Dally had me standing, I felt a warm liquid running down my leg. I looked down and saw a puddle under me. "Dally, my water just broke." I said and Dally looked at me with wide eyes. 

"You sit on the bed, I'll get the bag out to the car." he said and I nodded. Dally ran out of the room and I heard the front door open and close. "Ah!" I yelled in pain. "Mom, are you okay? What's wrong?" Bethany asked as she walked into the room. "Beth, go tell your dad to call Doctor Emberlyn. Tell him that I can't move out of this bed. She'll have to come here. I'm in too much pain to leave." I said and Beth rushed out of the room and down the stairs.

Beth's POV

"Dad!" I yelled as I got on the porch. He rushed over to me. "Beth, what's wrong? You're not in labor too are you?" he asked and I looked at him weird. "What? Dad, no. I'm three months along." I said and his body relaxed. "Then what's wrong?" he asked.

"Mom said she's in too much pain to move from the bed. She said to tell you to call Doctor Eberlyn and tell her that she needs to get here fast." I said and dad nodded. "Go to uncle Darry's house, the rest of the gang should be there. Tell them that your mom is in labor and stay there, okay?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Why can't I stay here with you and mom?" I asked and he sighed. "Beth, please do this for me?" he said and I nodded. "Okay." I said softly. Dad kissed my head and ran inside the house. I walked down the street towards uncle Darry's house.

While I was walking, I heard footsteps close behind me. I turned around and screamed when my body came in contact with someone else's. "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, you're okay." I heard a soothing voice say. I looked up and saw Justin. 

"Justin? What're you doing here?" I asked, catching my breath. "I was hanging out with an old buddy of mine. What're you doing walking by your lonesome?" he asked and I sighed. "My mom is getting ready to have her baby and my dad told me to go to my uncle Darry's house and let everyone else know what's going on. You wanna come with?" I asked and he smiled. 

"Yeah sure. How're you feeling?" he asked as we started walking. "I'm feeling a little better. I'm still jumpy and anxious all the time." I said and Justin looked at me strange. "How come?" he asked and that's when I remembered, I never told him the story of what happened. 

"I never told you the story about how I got pregnant. It's a long story, but we have a couple of blocks to go before we get to Darry's." I said and he nodded, waiting for me to continue. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, let the breath out and opened my eyes again.

"My mom and dad were on their honeymoon. It was two weeks after they left. I was staying with my mom's brother, my uncle Steve. I was on my way to uncle Darry's house to meet up with everyone so we could go to the movies. I kept getting this feeling that someone was following me, but I couldn't figure it out. I didn't see anyone any of the times that I turned around. The last time I turned around, something hard hit me in the head. Everything was blurry but I could feel my body being dragged into the alleyway about a block away from Darry's. I remember looking at the person, but I can't remember now who it was that did it. All I remember is waking up to my uncle Steve and uncle Ponyboy hovering over me. My body was in so much pain. They rushed me to the hospital and the doctor gave me some pain meds that made me tired." I said and Justin looked at me, taking in every word that I was saying. 

"So, you never remembered who did it to you?" he asked and I shook my head. "They left DNA on my body, but since the police and the hospital don't have the right equipment to run tests on DNA right now, we don't know who did it." I said and he nodded. 

Justin took my hand in his and stopped walking. "I like you Beth, I wanna be here for you. So, if you ever need anything, just let me know, and I'm there." he smiled and kissed my cheek. "Thank you." I smiled. 

We continued the walk to uncle Darry's and walked in the house. "Hey! It's baby Anderson!" Two-bit smied. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Hey guys, mom is in labor and dad told me to come over here." I said and uncle Steve sat up from laying on the couch. "Is she okay?" he asked. "She was in too much pain to get out of bed so dad had to call doctor Emberlyn." I said and he stood up, grabbing his keys. 

"I'll see y'all later, I'll be with Paisley." he said and walked out of the door. Uncle Steve has always been there for my mom no matter what the situation or time of day. If she needs him, he's there.

Justin and I sat on the couch and watched tv while we waited on news about my mom and the baby. I was sitting there thinking and subconsiously placed my hand on my stomach. Justin placed his hand on mine and smiled down at me. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I smiled back and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Are you two an item now?" aunt Evie smiled and I could feel a blush creeping onto my face. "No, we're just really good friends." I said and Gen smiled. "Yeah, okay. Keep telling yourself that." she whispered in my ear and I playfully hit her arm. She started laughing and soon I joined in with her. 


It's been a few hours and still no word about mom and the baby. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep with my head on Justin's chest. Justin had his arm around me while he watched tv with the others. Soon, sleep took over my body and the noise from the tv drifted away.

A/N: Heyyyy..... yeah I know, I haven't updated in a while. My internet has been off because some dumbass rammed their car into a pole and knocked it down. Anyways, the internet is finally fixed and a chapter is posted now. Hope you enjoy it. What do you think Dally and Paisley had this time around? A boy or a girl? 

Drop me some baby names in the comments. First and middle names, both genders. 


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