Chapter 16

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Paisley's POV

It's been a week since I told Johnny I wanted a divorce and Dally told Sam he wanted a divorce. Dally has been helping me with the house and making sure that Beth gets to school on time. He takes her to school and I pick her up. I go into the courthouse tomorrow with Johnny to get the divorce papers documented and approved by the judge. Bethany hasn't spoken a word about the whole mess to any of us. She mostly keeps to herself in her room. 

She did tell me the other day that she was worried about the girl she had met on the train when she ran away. She said they exchanged addresses and promised to write to each other. The girl's name is Gen, I think. She said that Gen hasn't been responding to any of her letters. 

Right now, I'm at home cleaning. I've gotten the dishes and laundry done. I'm currently sweeping the living room floor. I heard the door open and turned to see Dally. "Hey, I thought you were picking up Beth from school today." he said as he hung his jacket up by the door.

"I don't have to pick her up until 3:00." I said. "Uh, Paise. It is 3:00. Actually it's 3:15." he said while looking at his watch. "You're joking. Are you serious!?" I said and he nodded. "Fuck!" I shouted in frustration. I went to grab my keys and Dally stopped me. 

"Okay, how about you take Beth over to Darry's house. Tell him that I asked if she could stay over there for the night because I said you need a break." he said and I looked at him. "Dally I can't do that." I said and he took my keys from my hand. "Okay, I'll go with you to pick Beth up and I'll ask Darry myself." he said and I sighed and followed him outside to my car. 

He began driving to the school and parked out front. Beth walked over to the car and got in. "Beth I am so sorry. I got busy cleaning and lost track of time." I said and she rolled her eyes. "Whatever mom." she said and Dallas turned and looked at her. "Watch it young lady. Your mom doesn't need any attitude from you. She's got enough on her mind to worry about right now. So lose the attitude before I give you a reason to lose it." he said and Beth slumped in her seat.

"I'm sorry mom. I've just had a bad day at school. Have I gotten any mail?" she asked and I gave her a sympathetic look. "No, I'm sorry Beth. I'm sure Gen is okay." I promised and she nodded. Dally began driving to Darry's house and Beth sat in the backseat not saying anything.

When we got in Darry's driveway, she looked up and raised an eyebrow. Dally turned to her. "Listen baby girl, you're gonna stay in the car with your mom for a few minutes. I'll be back out in a minute. I just gotta talk to uncle Darry about something." he said and she nodded.

Dally got out of the car and walked inside the Curtis house. After a few minutes he came back outside and got in the car. He turned back to Beth and began explaining what was going on. "You're gonna stay with uncle Darry and aunt Stephanie for a few days baby. We're gonna go by your mom's house and get you a bag of clothes and anything else you need and then your mom is gonna bring you back over here." he said and Beth looked confused.

"Why can't I stay with you or mom?" she asked and Dally sighed softly. "Me and your mom have two separate things going on right now baby. We both think it's just best if you're not in the middle of it. Your main focus right now is on school. After everything calms down you can go back to your mom's." he said, Beth was putting up a fight. 

"But what about mom? She's gonna be at the house by herself dad." she said and Dally shook his head. I looked at him confused. "No, I'll be there with her. I'm gonna sleep on the couch. She'll be okay, baby." he said and began driving back to my house. 

We walked inside once we got there and Beth went to her room and got a bag to take over to Darry's. I stayed in the kitchen to talk to Dally. "Dally you really don't have to stay over here. I'll be okay on my own." I said and he shook his head. "Whether or not you believe it, I know you Paise. We've been friends since we were kids. Anytime something bad happens, you pretend to be okay when you're around people and then when you're finally alone you break down and cry. I'm not gonna let you go through this alone." he said and pulled me into a hug.

Beth came down the stairs and walked over to the kitchen. "I'm ready, mom." she said and I nodded and walked out to the car with her. "Mom, do I have to do this?" she asked as I began driving. "Yeah baby. Your dad thinks that I just need some time to myself to process everything and breathe. It's only going to be for a little while." I said as I pulled into Darry's driveway. I got out of the car with Bethany and walked inside Darry's house. 

"Thanks for doing this Darry. Dally really thinks this will be good for me I guess." I said and he smiled sympathetically and pulled me into a hug. "You've been like a little sister to me since we were kids. I actually agree with Dallas. You need this right now." he said and I nodded. 

I turned to Beth and pulled her into a hug. "I love you Beth. Be have. Darry has the same abilities that me and your father do. Stay out of trouble." I said and she nodded. "I love you too mom." she said and I pulled out of the hug. "I'll come over every two nights to see you. If you get any letters from Gen, I'll bring them with me. Okay?" I said and she nodded. 

"I gotta get back home baby." I said and headed to the door. I walked out of the house and over to my car. I got in and began the lonely, quiet drive back to my house. 

Dally's POV

After Paisley left with Bethany, I went upstairs into the bathroom and started the warm water for a bath. I made sure it was the temperature that Paisley liked and then I added some bubbles. I lit some candles and grabbed a towel from the bathroom closet. I set it on the bathroom vanity and turned the water off. Not long after, I heard the front door open and Paisley's voice.

"Dally?" she called out. "I'm upstairs!" I called back. I heard her walking up the stairs before she spoke again. "Where are you?" she asked confused. "I'm in here." I said from the bathroom. She walked to the bathroom and began speaking before she cut herself off. "What're you-" she looked around and then looked at me. 

"What's this for?" she asked and I took her hands in mine. "You deserve to relax for at least one night. So, you're gonna be here taking a hot bubble bath, and I'm gonna be finishing cleaning the house and whatever else I see that needs to be done." I said and she looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Dally I can't-" I cut her off before she could finish. "You can and you will. It's not a discussion." I said and she finally gave in and nodded. I pulled her in for a hug and kissed the top of her head. "Now, take a deep breath, and relax. I've got this." I said and walked out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind me."

A/N: I know the chapters are altering between short and long, but there's a lot of stuff that I'm putting in them and a lot that I'm leaving out. The stuff that I'm leaving out is the stuff that will either be in a chapter all on its own or just simply isn't important to put in the chapter. 

What do you think about the whole mess with Johnny and Paisley and Dally and Sam? What do you think about Dally and Paisley? Let me know in the comments what you think.

What do you think happened to Gen when she got home? Do you think she's okay? Do you think she'll ever write to Beth? 


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