Chapter 21

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Bethany's POV

I walked to my locker and started putting my books away that I didn't need for the first half of the day. I felt arms wrap around my waist and smiled. "Hey baby. How bad did your dad react to your school work last night?" Austin asked. I shut my locker and turned around, leaning back on it. 

"Let's just say I got a pretty good whipping last night and I'm definitely going to try harder." I said. "Good. Your grades are important Beth. You can always ask me for help on anything that you need." he said and kissed my forehead. "Thanks baby. Let's get to class so we're not late." I said and he nodded and took my free hand in his.

"So how's your mom doing with the whole divorce thing?" he asked and I thought for a minute. "She was pretty stressed out about it at first. But she's doing better. My dad moved in with us so that he could help my mom and stuff around the house and with the bills." I explained and he nodded. 

We walked into our first period and sat at the back of the class like always. We talked until the bell rang for class to begin. The school day went by slow but it was finally lunch time and I was happy. I didn't feel like eating, so I decided to go to the library instead. I knew that Austin would stop by his locker before going to the cafeteria, so I left a note in his locker telling him where I would be. 

I went over to my locker and got my binders and books that I would need for the last half of the day and walked over to the school library. I sat down at one of the tables and started working on my history paper. It was due in three days and I haven't even started on it. If I miss anymore assignments this month, I'm going to be in a lot of trouble with my teachers and my parents. 

I started working on the history paper and finally got halfway finished when someone sat in the seat next to me. "Don't you think you should get some food baby?" I looked up and saw Austin sitting next to me. "I'm actually not hungry today babe. I just wanna try and get a few of these projects and papers done so that I won't be failing." I said and he nodded and kissed my head. 

"Well, lunch is over in ten minutes baby, we should start heading over to the other building for our last classes of the day." he said and I nodded and started grabbing my books. I stood up from the table and we started walking to our English class.


After school I was more than stressed out. I got my test grade back for Algebra and it's not good. My dad is literally gonna kill me. I got a 52%. I walked over to my locker and got the books out for the classes that I had homework in and shut my locker. I waited for Austin until I remembered he had to get to his track practice immediately after the last period of the day. 

I started walking outside and looked for my dad's car. When I saw it, I walked over and got in. "How was school?" he asked as I buckled in. "It was okay I guess." I said and leaned my head against the window as he started driving. "What's up?" he asked and I didn't wanna answer, but I didn't wanna make him madder at me by lying to him again.

"I got my English test back graded today." I said and I could feel the lump in my throat growing and tears forming in my eyes. "What did you make on it?" he asked slowly. "I don't wanna say because I know you're going to be upset with me... and I don't like when you and mom are upset with me. I actually really tried on this test daddy. I don't understand how I got such a bad grade." I said, a few tears sliding down my cheeks.

"Baby, what's the grade?" he asked firmly but not in a mad way. "A 52%.." I said softly and he looked at me as he stopped at a red light. "Beth, I can't hear you when you mumble kiddo." he said and I looked at him. "I made 52%..." I said a little louder. He sighed as the light turned green and he started driving again. He didn't say anything for a few minutes and I was kind of scared.

"Daddy?" I said softly. He parked the car in the driveway and looked at me for a minute and took my hand in his. "Beth, listen baby. I know you're trying with your school work. How about we let your mom take a look at the English test and she can help you figure out what you did wrong with questions. She's good at English." he said and I looked at him confused.

"Am I not in trouble?" I asked softly. "Not this time. But you do need to get your grades up before your next report card. Understand?" he said and I nodded. We got out of the car and walked into the house. Mom was in the kitchen starting dinner. 

"Hey baby. How was school?" she asked and I sat down at the table. "Mom, I failed my English test but I don't understand the questions that I got wrong on it. Can you help me?" I asked and she sat down at the table. "Sure baby, let me see the test and we'll see what all you need to work on." she said with a soft smile. 


The rest of the night was spent with my mom and dad helping me with my school work and helping make sure I at least somewhat understood it. After we ate dinner, dad told me to go ahead and go to bed. I walked up to my room and started getting ready for bed when there was a knock at my bedroom door. I finished getting dressed before walking over and opening it. 

"We just came to say goodnight baby." my mom said as her and dad walked over and sat on my bed with me. "Are you okay baby? You look like you're not feeling too well." dad said and he placed the back of his hand to my forehead. "I just feel a little groggy." I said and leaned my head on his shoulder. Mom felt my forehead too and looked at my dad. 

"Beth, I think you should stay home from school tomorrow. I'll go and get your school work on my lunch break and bring it back here." mom said and I shook my head. "No, I have to be at school, mom. I'm okay, I promise." I pleaded and her and dad exchanged looks and looked back at me. "Okay but if you start to feel sick then you call either me, your dad, uncle Steve or uncle Darry and one of us will come and pick you up. Okay?" she said and I nodded.

"Get some sleep baby." dad said and kissed my head. They stood up from my bed and I lied down. Dad covered me up and turned on the lamp beside my bed. Mom leaned down and kissed my head too. "Sweet dreams baby girl." she said softly and then they both walked out of my room, dad turning out the overhead light and shutting the door on the way out.

To be completely honest, I felt like my body was on fire and like I was going to throw up at any minute. My head felt like someone was hitting it over and over with a hammer. But I don't want them to worry. Maybe I'll feel better in the morning.

A/N: Okay, this is the last chapter I'm updating for the night. I'll update some more tomorrow. 


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