Chapter 15

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~~~A few weeks later~~~

Dally's POV

I walked into the Curtis house with Paisley and saw that everyone was there except Johnny and Sam. Well, and Beth. She's at school right now. They all stopped talking when we walked in. I looked at them confused as I took my leather jacket off and hung it up by the door. 

"Yeah that's not weird at all." Paisley said and they all looked at us. Steve stood up and walked over to us. "Guys, y'all should probably sit down." he said and I looked at him confused and exchanged a look with Paisley. She looked just as confused as I did. We sat down and everyone looked at us. 

I saw Tim walk out of the kitchen with Darry and raised an eyebrow. "Hey Tim. What're you doing here?" I asked and he leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen. "I came by here looking for the two of you and the gang said y'all should be here soon, so I went ahead and told them what I came to tell you two. So now, I'm gonna tell you two." he said and I looked at him with a confused expression.

"I was at a party at Buck's the other night and when I rounded the corner by the stairs, Johnny bumped into me. He was with Sam. They were walking down the stairs. Said they were looking for something that you had left in your old room from one of the previous parties. I didn't think anything of it at first, but the more I thought about it, the more it sounded like something was up. So I wanted to let you know." he said and I clenched my fist. I saw Paisley tense up from the corner of my eye. 

"I never left anything in my old room at Buck's." I said and Paisley looked at me, stood up, and walked over to the door. "Where are you going?" Steve asked as she put her leather jacket back on. "If they went to Buck's together and were in Dally's old room together, and neither of them are here... then I bet I know where to find them. Johnny has been distant and all he ever does is argue with me anymore." she said and Steve stood up.

"Sis, that's a big assumption to make. How do you know if Johnny and Sam are having an affair?" Steve said and Paisley turned to me. "Are you coming with or not?" she asked and I stood up. She threw me my jacket and we walked out of the Curtis house, headed to Buck's.

When we got there, Buck was behind the bar getting ready for another party tonight. "Are they here?" I asked and he went to say something. "Buck, tell us the truth. Please..." Paisley pleaded and he sighed and nodded his head towards the stairs. 

We walked up the stairs and over to my old bedroom. Paisley went to open the door but stopped. I could tell she didn't want to open the door because she didn't want it to be true. Just like I didn't. I put my hand on the doorknob and opened the door.

There they were. Laying under the sheets together. They sat up real fast and they both looked confused until it sunk in that they had just gotten caught. Paisley turned and ran down the stairs and I slammed the door and followed her. 

"Paisley wait!" I called after her but she kept walking. We got outside of Buck's and I grabbed her hand. "Paisley stop. Breathe." I said and she took a breath. "Take me back to the Curtis house." she said and I nodded. Half way there, Johnny and Sam ran behind us so we started running. We got inside the Curtis house and I slammed the door.

It opened not long after and Johnny and Sam ran in. "Paisley wait!" Johnny said and Sam turned around and slapped him hard. "HOW COULD YOU!?" she screamed. Everyone was looking at her with wide eyes or a shocked look. She hasn't hit anyone since she was in high school and got into fights. Steve and I stepped close to her incase we had to pull her back.

"Paisely I am so sorry." Johnny said. "Sorry that you did it or sorry that you got caught?" she yelled at him. "Oh like you and Dallas haven't been hooking up!" Sam said and I looked at her with a confused look. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I said and Johnny spoke up. 

"So Paisley just goes to Steve's house and then magically always ends up in town with you?" he says and Paisley gets in his face. "I was with Steve Johnny!" she yelled and Steve spoke up. "She was always with me Johnny. She would meet up with Dallas to talk about Bethany's problems at school after she talked to me about them. It wan't a secret."

"Yeah and the two of them getting close and all touchy-feely isn't supposed to be suspicious either. Right?" Sam said and I looked at her confused. "What the hell are you talking about?" I said and Sam stepped closer to me. 

"I'm your wife and Paisley's is Johnny's. When Bethany went missing, I should have been the one comforting you and Johnny comforting Paisley. Not the two of you comforting each other." she said and Johnny nodded. "That's what this whole fucking mess is about!?" Paisley and I yelled. Just then the door opened and Bethany walked inside. 

"What's going on?" she asked and I looked at Stephanie. "Sis, can you take Beth on a walk?" I said and she nodded and walked out of the house with Beth. I turned back to Sam and Johnny. "Just because I was comforting Paisley when OUR DAUGHTER had run away, doesn't fucking mean that she and I were sleeping together. In fact. The first and ONLY time she and I have slept together is the night that we got wasted at Buck's back before she found out that she was pregnant with Beth!" I shouted and Johnny stepped in between me and Sam. 

"Don't yell at her like that." he said in a threatening voice. "Oh but it's okay for you to yell at Paisley like that?" I said and he shoved me. I went to swing on him and Paisley stopped me. "Dallas don't. Neither of them are worth it." she said and I relaxed a little bit. She turned back to Johnny and in a calm voice said "Get your stuff, and get the hell out of my house. I don't want you there anymore. And I want a divorce." she said and Johnny's face fell. 

He didn't say anything. He just took Sam's hand in his and they began walking out of the door. "Wait." She said and Johnny stopped and turned to her. You could see that he had tears in his eyes. "You can have this back." she said and took off her wedding ring and handed it to him. "I don't want something that has absolutely no meaning to me whatsoever." she said and I looked at Sam. "Well what are you waiting for? A paper with instructions on it? Give me the ring back. You really think you and I aren't getting a divorce after this shit? I told you how I felt about what Sylvia did to me and you turn around and do the same thing." I said and she took the ring off and handed it to me. 

After that, they walked out of the house and out of our lives until we filed for the divorce papers.

A/N: Alrighty, lotta fucking drama in this one. This is the last chapter I'm updating for the day.


The Outsiders: Paisley RandleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora