Chapter 7

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*Paisley is now 6 months pregnant. Rosalie has been skipping school and being late home "from school". Sodapop and Steve go to a drag race and the car wrecks. Steve is in a coma. Sodapop is bruised up bad.*

Paisley's POV

"Okay she haw 3 minutes before we have to get to class or we'll all be late!" Ponyboy said annoyed.

"She needs to hurry up because my ankles are hurting." I said just as annoyed. Johnny rubbed my back and kissed my temple.

Another minute had passed and Ponyboy sighed in annoyance. "Okay I'm going to class." He said and we all agreed and left.

~At Lunch~

"Is she still not here?" Ponyboy asked as he sat down at the table with us. " No she's not. She wasn't in Spanish today. I haven't seen her in the halls at all." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine but when Darry finds out it's her tail not mine." He said and we all laughed. "So when do y'all find out if it's a girl or not?" Stephanie asked.

"We have an appointment 2 hours after school. I really hope it's a girl." I said and Johnny agreed. "Yeah me too. We need another girl in the gang." Ponyboy grinned.

The rest of lunch we talked about different thing about the baby. Ponyboy begged me to let him be an uncle. Little did he know that he's actually the god father. He'll find out when the baby is born.

~~After School~~~

We all piled into Steve's car after school and he headed towards the Curtis house.

"Where's Rose?" He asked all of a sudden. "She skipped again." Ponyboy said annoyed.

"Oh boy Darry is gonna love that." Steve said and rolled his eyes. "Tell me about it." Steve and Ponyboy have gotten along quite well sense the whole fire incident.

When we got to the Curtis house, we all got out and went inside to see Darry home from work early. I leaned over to Ponyboy and whispered "It's like he knows man." Ponyboy nodded in agreement and we all sat around the living room.

"Okay Paise. I'm headed out. Me and Soda have a drag race tonight." He said as he stood up and kissed my head.

"Be careful." I said and he grinned. "I always am baby." He kissed my head one last time and walked out the front door.

About 30 minutes later the door opened and Rosalie walked in. Darry stood up immediately.

"Where the hell were you today? Cause sure as hell weren't at school!" He said and no one said anything. We all knew better than to talk when Darry was mad.

"Darry I can explain." Rosalie said and Darry crossed his arms.

"Well go ahead young lady." He said clearly mad. And he had every right to be.

"I- I can't." She sighed and looked down. "Yeah I figured you'd say that. Go to your room. You're grounded for a month."

"But Darry-" "No Rosalie. You're grounded. No friends. No movies. Go straight to school and straight home. Am I understood?" He said and Rosalie nodded.

"Yes sir." "Now go to your room. I don't wanna see you until dinner and then you're going right back to your room."

After Darry had calmed down some he sighed. "Hey Dar' could your drive me and Johnny to our appointment and wait to pick us up? SOCs are everywhere these days waiting to jump us." I asked and he smiled and nodded his head.

"Sure I can. I have to make a store trip so I can just drop y'all off and pick y'all up when I leave the store." He said as he grabbed his keys.

"You wanna tag along Steph?" He asked and she blushed and stood up. "Sure. I don't mind tagging along."

We all headed out to Darry's truck and piled in. I bet your confused. About how Sodapop was staring at Steph when the gang first met her? Well, here's the conclusion I've come up with. I personally think that both Darry and Sodapop have a thing for Steph. 

When we got to the clinic, Darry dropped me and Johnny off and told us he would be back after he gets some groceries.

Johnny and I signed in and waited for about 20 minutes before they called us back.

"Hey guys. How's the pregnancy going?" Dr. Peterson asked. "It's actually good. We're ready to find out the gender." I said and smiled. "Well let's see what we can find." She smiled.

She put the cool gel on my stomach and started moving the wand around. A heartbeat from the baby soon filled the room and I couldn't help but smile.

"It looks like the baby is still healthy. And.... You're having a girl Paisley." She said and I started crying. "I'm having a girl!" I said and looked at Johnny. He was smiling real big and kissed my cheek.

After the doctor appointment we signed out and walked outside just as Darry pulled up. We got into his truck and he and Steph both looked at us. "Well is it a boy or a girl!?" Darry asked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm having a girl!" I said excitedly. "yes! I was hoping you would say that." He said with a grin.

We went back to the Curtis house and told the gang that was there about me having a girl and they were all excited.

After we had all calmed down, it was about 10:30 at night and Sodapop and Steve hadn't come back. "Johnny I'm worried. Something bad happened. I can feel it." I said and Johnny squeezed my hand. " Don't worry baby girl. I'm sure they're just running late." He said softly and pulled me close.

Another hour passed and still no Sodapop or Steve. As if on cue the phone started ringing. Darry got up to answer it and his face immediately fell.

"Yeah. No she's here at my place. We'll be right there." He said and hung up. "We have to get to the hospital."

"Darry what's going on?" I asked calmly. "there was a crash at the Drag race. The car that Sodapop and Steve was in flipped." That's all it took for me to be in the truck with Johnny at my side.

All the way to the hospital Johnny and Darry were trying to get me to control my breathing. When we got to the hospital and got inside, Darry asked to speak with the doctor about our brothers.

"Sodapop Curtis and Steve Randle?" The doctor asked and we both nodded. "Follow me please." He said and we all followed him.

"Sodapop was only mildly injured. He'll have a slight concussion and he as a few broken ribs. He'll be in the hospital for about 2-3 weeks.  However, Steve was hurt worse sense he was driving. He has some broken ribs and other bones. He's was going in and out during surgery so we had to put him in a coma. We don't know if he's gonna make it or not." And just like that everything came crashing down and the last thing I heard was someone yell "Catch her before she hits the ground!"

Johnny's POV

After the doctor told us about Steve possibly not making it, I looked to Paisley and she turned pale. She started slowly falling and no one was close enough to her.

"Someone catch her before she hits the ground!" I said and someone did. But not who we were expecting.


A/N: oooohhhhh cliffhanger. Aight let me know what you think.


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