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Fifteen Years Later

Paisley's POV

It's been fifteen years since everything happened. Sandy and Sodapop got married. Justin and Beth got married. Darry and Emberlynn got married. Steve and Evie got married.  Gen and  Zayn got married. Kimberly met a guy and moved to the mountains. Ponyboy and Elena are married and expecting their fourth born. Rosalie moved away with a guy that was a Soc back when we were all kids.

As for Johnny and Sam, we've all seen them around town every now and then. We haven't really spoken since the whole double divorce drama. Everyone agreed to meet up at Darry and Emberlyn's today, they said they had to ask all of us something. 

Kim and her fiance Travis won't be able to make it since they live a few hours away, but that's okay. We see them on the weekends that we're all off together. 

I'm waiting for Logan to come downstairs so that we can head over to the old Curtis house. Logan and Stephanie are fifteen years old now. They're the best of friends, despite being niece and uncle.

When Logan walked down the stairs, I stood up from the couch and smiled. "You ready to go now?" I asked, tiredly and he nodded. "You okay mom?" he asked with a worried look and I nodded. "Just a little tired. I'll be fine. C'mon, we gotta get to uncle Darry's house. He said something about having a surprise for all of us or something like that." I said as we walked out to the car.

Logan and I got into my car and headed to the Curtis house. Dally said that he would go straight to Darry's after work.

When we got there, I parked on the side of the road in front of the house and turned the car off. We got out of the car and walked into the house. "Hey guys, we're here." I said and Bethany smiled, coming over and giving me a hug. 

"Hi mom." she said softly. "Hey baby girl." I smiled, hugging her back. "Where's Justin?" I asked, pulling out of the hug and sitting on the couch. "He went to pick Zayn and Gen up from the airport. They just got back from their trip." Beth said and I nodded. 

We sat around and talked about different things for a little while until the rest of the gang piled into the front door. When we all got situated, we looked at Darry and waited for him to start talking. 

"So, as you know, I had my retirement party today. Well, I also got a really big check from the company and I've decided to move up to the mountains. To the cabin we went to fifteen years ago." he said and I could tell the gang all had mixed feelings about Darry and Emberlyn not being here anymore. 

"But what about us Darry?" Ponyboy asked and Darry grinned real big. "Well, about that. I want all of you to come with us." he said and everyone gave him confused looks. "Darry, we can't afford to pack up and move though? What about the kids' schooling and stuff? What about work?" Steve said and we all looked back at Darry and waited for a response. 

"Well, Bethany always wanted to do something with her teaching degree. So has Ponyboy. They could homeschool the kids if they're okay with it. As far as the jobs go, there are some places up there  that are hiring." Darry said and we all sat and thought for a minute. No one said anything for a few minutes and then I spoke up. 

"I'm down to move to the mountains. Living in this town my whole life has been boring and a pain in the ass. I could use a little change." I said and everyone nodded and agreed. "We can start selling whatever furniture we don't need or want since the cabin has all of its furniture. After that we can sell the houses and then we'll have some extra money to use for whatever we want to use it for." Darry said and Emberlyn nodded.

"Y'all can stay in the cabin with us or you can have your own house built close by. Either one is fine with us since the cabin is so big." she said and we all nodded and agreed. We started talking about it more and then it was decided. 

We were all moving to the cabin in the mountains. Eventually we would have our own houses if we wanted to or we would still be in the big cabin. 

After a couple of months, we'd all moved up to the cabin and started living there. All of us had a few different jobs or we all worked different shifts at the same job.

Ponyboy and Bethany eventually opened up a small school for the few kids that lived on the mountain along with our own. The library that Ponyboy used to work at down in Tulsa donated the school books to them. 

The other parents that lived on the mountain were glad to have a small school house opened up. It was a three room school with two separate bathrooms, but it worked. Ponyboy was the principal along with being a teacher. Beth was a teacher and the secretary. Kimberly was the assistant principal along with being a teacher. There were different grades for each of them to teach.

Kimberly taught first grade through fourth. Bethany taught sixth through eighth. Ponyboy taught ninth through twelfth.

Emberlyn became a doctor at the small clinic that was in the little community of the mountains. 

The rest of us did what we did best and worked the jobs that we knew we could. We loved being in the mountains. We went to Darry and Emberlyn's every night, if we didn't already still live there, and had dinner together. Sometimes we would meet up for breakfast over there too.

It's crazy to think that this enormous family, started with Dally and I hooking up at Buck's one night and me finding out that I was pregnant with Bethany. 

The gang  was a big family before I got pregnant with Bethany, but once she was born, it became even bigger.

The End

A/N: Stay tuned for photos of the cast at the end of the book


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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