Chapter 34

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May 27th, 1979

Paisley's POV

Okay, deep breaths. Everything is going to be fine. It's your wedding day. Nothing is going to go wrong. Stop overthinking. Close your eyes, breathe in, breathe out. Everything is going fine right now. What could possibly mess it up? 

"Paisley!" I opened my eyes and looked at Cherry. "Girl calm down, you're five months pregnant and it's hot outside. You don't need to stress out. Everything is going to be fine." She said and I nodded and took a deep breath. 

"Okay, now we have to finish your hair and makeup and then you can get into the dress." Cherry smiled. Cherry is my maitrin of honor. My bridal party is really simple.

Maitrin of honor: Cherry

Maid of honor: Rosalie

Bridesmaids: Gen, Beth, Evie, Marcia and Raelynn.

A lot has happened over the past few months, so let me explain a little bit. Cherry and I have gotten a lot closer. Steve, Two-bit and Sodapop all got girlfriends. Two-bit is with Marcia, Steve and Evie ran into each other and got back together, and Sodapop met Raelynn two months ago. Raelynn was new in the neighborhood.

Anyways, back to the wedding stress.

Cherry began doing my makeup while the other girls did their own. I glanced over at Beth and Gen and smiled. They were doing each other's makeup. "Okay, your makeup is done. Now we gotta do your hair and then it'll be time to put your dress on." Cherry smiled. 

Beth's POV

Cherry was doing mom's hair and makeup and she already looked really beautiful. "Okay, everyone's hair and makeup is done. Let's get into our dresses and then I'll help Paisley get into hers." Cherry smiled and we all nodded.

Gen and Beth's hair:

Gen and Beth's hair:

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Evie's hair:

Evie's hair:

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Rosalie and Raelynn's hair:

Rosalie and Raelynn's hair:

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