Chapter 43

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~~~Two Months Later~~~

Paisley's POV

Bethany is home from school because she's only got a few weeks of her pregnancy left and Emberlyn wanted her to stay off her feet as much as possible. I walked into the kitchen and Beth was sitting at the table studying and doing homework. Justin's been bringing her school work after school everyday.

"Hey baby, how're you feeling?" I asked and she smiled. "I'm feeling okay. My stomach's just been getting a couple of cramps on and off all morning." she said and I turned away from the fridge and looked at her. 

"What do they feel like?" I asked and she set her pen down. "They feel kind of like a small stabbing pain but they only happen every twenty to thirty minutes." she said and I nodded. "I'm gonna take a walk to uncle Darry's house real quick. Are you going to be okay here by yourself for a few minutes?" I asked and she nodded.

I walked out the front door and headed towards Darry's. I walked in and sat on the couch. Darry and Emberlyn looked at me confused. "Are you okay?" Em asked and I sighed. "Beth is having contractions but they're twenty to thirty minutes apart. She said they were stomach cramps and I didn't wanna scare her so I didn't tell her what they actually were." I said and Em nodded.

"Okay, when they get ten minutes apart, take her to the hospital, I go into work at noon so I should be there at that point. They're probably going to be ten minutes apart around that time. She can't have the baby until they're five minutes apart but since she's so small, I want her there so we can monitor her and the baby." she said and I nodded. 

"Okay, I'll see you then." I said and she nodded. I got up and walked back to the house. When I walked in, I called out to Beth but she didn't answer. I walked into the kitchen and she was laying on the floor next to the cabinet. I rushed over and checked her pulse.

Someone walked in the door but I didn't care to see who it was. "Hey Paisley, I was-" I looked up and saw Cherry. "Oh my god what happened?" she asked and rushed over. 

"I don't know. I went over to Darry's for a few minutes. She was fine when I left and when I came back home I found her like this. We need to get her to the hospital. Her pulse is really low." I said and Cherry nodded. 

"Okay, you stay here, I'll go down the street to Steve's house and get him and Sodapop." she said and I nodded. 

Steve's POV

"Steve! Sodapop!" I jumped when I heard the door open and someone call my name. "Cherry?" What's wrong?" I asked and Sodapop stood up with me. "It's Bethany. She passed out in the kitchen. Paisley is with her. We have to get her to the hospital." Cherry said and Sodapop and I rushed out the door with Cherry.

We ran all the way to Paisley's and rushed inside. "Sodapop, go hold the screen door open. Cherry, go open the backseat door. Paisley, go start the car. I'll get Beth and bring her outside as fast as I can. Cherry, you and Paisley are going to take Beth to the hospital and get a nurse out with a stretcher. Sodapop, you go to Buck's and get Dally. I'll go by Darry's and get Emberlyn."

We got busy and rushed around. The girls headed to the hospital and Sodapop headed to Buck's. I ran to Darry's house and ran inside. 

"Bethany passed out in the kitchen. Cherry and Paisley are rushing her to the hospital and Sodapop went to get Dally from Buck's." I said and Emberlyn grabbed her keys and her bag and ran out the door behind me. We got in her car and rushed to the hospital. 

When we got there, I ran to Paisley and Cherry. Emberlyn went up to a nurse and asked her where Bethany was. She rushed away to a room and we waited in the waiting room. Dally rushed in not long after but Sodapop wasn't with him. 

"Where's Sodapop?" I asked as he sat down. "He dropped me off and went to the school to get the kids." Dally said and we all nodded. "Where's Logan?" Dally asked Paisley. "He's with Ponyboy and Elena. They came by this morning not long after you left for work and asked to watch him for the day." she said and Dally nodded.

We sat in the waiting room and didn't say anything for a little bit. Not long after, Sodapop, Darry and the kids walked in. They came over and sat with us in the waiting room. 

An hour passed and Darry got up to call Two-bit and Ponyboy from the waiting room phone. After a few minutes, they came rushing in and now all of us were here, waiting for Em to come and tell us something about Bethany. Anything.


Dally's POV

We waited for hours. I had a bad gut feeling about this and it was starting to make me feel sick. I didn't say anything though. I didn't want to worry Paisley.

After another hour, Emberlyn walked out and sat down with us. She took a deep breath and looked at all of us. 

"Bethany and the baby are fine. We had to do an emergency C-Section but she'll be okay." she said and we all let out a breath of relief. "But the baby looks really familiar to me. She looks like Bethany, but she also looks like a kid that I swear I've seen him here before. I just can't place his name. He used to come in here all the time because he and his friends just couldn't stay out of trouble and had to get stitched up quite often." she said and stopped to think for a minute.

"I think his name was Alan... Alex..." Gen cut her off. "Austin!" she yelled and we all looked at her. "When I first moved here, Beth was in an abusive relationship. She broke things off with Austin because he was cheating on her with a cheerleader that bullied her all the time." Gen said and Paisley and I looked at each other.

"That was his name! He and his friends would get into gang fights really bad and come in here to get stitched up. Austin is a rich kid." Emberlyn said. "We'll have to bring him in and run a DNA test on him. I'll go talk to our security officers and have one of them go and pick him up." she said and walked off.


About twenty minutes later, an officer walked in with a kid dressed in nice clothes and an annoyed look on his face. "Is this the boy you were talking about?" he asked and we all looked at Gen. 

"Yeah, that's him. That's Austin Bishup." she said, Austin gave her a side glance as the officer took him down the hall. "We're going to go do a DNA test on him and the baby. If it comes back positive, then he'll be arrested and taken away." Emberlyn said and we nodded and waited for her to come back with the results.

After another hour of waiting, Emberlyn came back. "The test results came back positive." she said and we all let out a breath of relief.

Two officers walked by with Austin in handcuffs. When he saw Gen he went crazy and started trying to get loose. "I'm gonna kill you Gen Montgomery. I'm gonna fucking kill you. You did this to me!" he yelled and Gen ran over to me and Paisley. 

The officers took him away and Gen looked white and pale. A nurse came out, holding a baby girl and smiled. "Bethany is awake, you can all go see her now." she said and Justin smiled and stood up. The nurse handed him the baby and he smiled down at her. We walked into Bethany's room and she smiled at us.

"Hey baby, how're you feeling?" Justin asked as he walked over to her. "I'm a little sore, but I'm okay." she smiled. "What're y'all gonna name her?" Cherry asked, we looked at Bethany and waited. 

Justin laid the baby in Beth's arms and Beth looked down at her and smiled. "Stephanie Annalise Anderson." 


A/N: okay, the last chapter is going to be the Epilogue 

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