Chapter 37

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Paisley's POV

"Mom, do I have to go to school? Can't I just stay home with you?" Bethany asked as we sat on her bed. "Baby, you're only fourteen. If your dad and I don't have you going to school, the cops are going to start looking at us. I know it's going to be hard. But you'll have Gen by your side. It's your Sophomore year. You have to go." I said sadly. 

Beth has been worried about what people at school are going to say about her pregnancy. Here in Tulsa, word travels fast like a wildfire. Dally and I have been trying to convince her that everything is going to be fine, but she's still nervous. To be honest, Dally and I are worried about going back to school because of the trauma she's endured by what happened. 

Dally rubbed the back of her head one night because there was a fuzzy in it, and she had a complete meltdown. We thought she was going to hurt herself because of how bad it was. But, we finally got her calmed down. 

"I'm gonna get ready for school." she said softly and I nodded, carefully standing up. Beth helped me and I smiled and hugged her from the side. "I love you, baby girl. You're still the strong independent daughter that I raised. You've got this." I said and kissed her head. 

I waddled out of her room and went back into mine and Dally's. Dally was getting ready for work. I'm on maternity leave because the doctor said that I was getting too stressed out and she didn't want me to have complications with this childbirth like I did Bethany's. 

"Dally, are you sure we're doing the right thing by sending her back to school?" I asked, sitting on the bed. Dally came over and took my hands in his. "This is the best thing for her, baby. Bethany's forgotten who she is. She got lost along the way after what happened this summer. She deserves to be a kid for at least eight hours a day." he reassured me and I nodded. 

"Now, what're you going to do today?" he asked in a firm voice. "I'm going to stay home and take it easy so that the baby and I don't get hurt." I said and he smiled and kissed my head. "I love you, Paisley." he said, kissing me softly on the lips. "I love you too, Dally." I smiled. "Lay down and get some rest, I have to get Bethany to school and get to Buck's to help him around the bar today." Dally said and I nodded.

Bethany's POV

I heard a knock at my bedroom door and sighed softly, you can do this. You're a Winston. Your mom was a legend in high school. Everyone knew not to fuck with her. You've got this. Take a deep breath, hold it in, let it out, smile. You can do this. I thought to myself. "Bethany, we gotta go or you'll be late, baby." my dad said from outside my door. "I'm coming, dad." I said softly, grabbing my back and opening my bedroom door.

"I'm ready." I said softly and he nodded. I said bye to mom on my way past their bedroom door. Dad and I walked out to his car and got in. He started the car and backed out of the driveway, then started driving to the school.

I didn't say anything the whole way to school. I was too nervous and I knew that if I said anything, I would beg dad not to make me go to school. I could tell that he kept glancing over at me though. When he pulled up next to the school, he parked the car and looked at me. 

"Beth, you've got this. Just, stay positive and don't listen to anything that anyone says to you. Okay?" he said and I nodded. "I love you baby." dad said and kissed my head. "I love you too dad." I smiled softly. I slowly stepped out of the car and shut the door. 

I began walking up the school and jumped when someone touched my arm. "Hey, it's okay, it's just me." Gen said, I let a breath out and nod. "I'm sorry." I said softly. "Don't apologize, Beth. I'm sorry for scaring you." Gen said with a smile. "I'm okay." I said and she nodded. We walked into the front doors of the school and everyone turned and looked at me. I stopped in my tracks and hoped they would stop, but they didn't. 

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