Chapter 31

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Dally's POV

"Paisley, are you pregnant?" I asked and she stared at me with scared eyes. "Dally I- I went to the store to get a test today after Darry went back to work. I didn't think anything of it until you had left for work this morning and then I started realizing that I was showing signs and I kind of freaked out so I went and got a test and I came home and took it. I must have fallen asleep or something. Dally I-" I cut her off before she could say anything else.

"Paisley, baby, calm down. Breathe." I said, she took a deep breath and relaxed a little bit. She looked down at the floor and ran her hands through her hair. "Baby, look at me." I said and lifted her chin with my index finger. "I'm not mad. I'm not going to run away. I'm not going anywhere this time. Not without you by my side." I said and she smiled as tears slid down her cheeks.

"I love you, Paisley." I said and kissed her softly on the lips. "I love you too, Dally." she said softly as we broke away from the kiss. "So, I guess the test was positive?" she asked and I nodded with a smile. "Yeah it was." I said and kissed her forehead. 

"Don't worry, babe. We've got this. You and me." I said and pulled her into a hug. I held her in my arms for a few minutes before picking her up and carrying her over to the bed. I set her on the bed and sat next to her. 

"What do you want for dinner tonight baby?" I asked and she looked at me weird. "I'll cook whatever you want." I said and she smiled and shook her head. "I can still cook dinner Dally, but I could use your help." she said and stood up. I smiled and stood up with her. 

We walked downstairs and into the kitchen. We started getting things ready to cook dinner. About thirty minutes later, the front door opened and Beth walked in. "I'm home." she said and set her bag by the front door. 

"I'll be right back, I gotta go talk to Beth about something." I said and kissed Paisley's head. I walked upstairs and knocked on Beth's door. "It's open, dad." she called out. I walked in and shut her door behind me. I walked over and sat next to her on her bed and she looked at me, waiting for me to talk.

Beth's POV

"Beth, I wanted to ask you if you were okay with this before I went through with it." dad said and I looked at him weird. "Ask me if I was okay with what?" I asked confused and he pulled a small box out of his jacket pocket and handed it to me. "Open it." he said. Still confused, I opened the small box and saw a small, danty diamond ring. It was beautiful. That's when it hit me.

"Dad, are you going to ask mom to marry you?" I whisper shouted. He nodded his head and I smiled. "It's about time. What took so long?" I asked and he grinned and shook his head. "I bought the ring fourteen years ago when I was in New York. After I had found out that your mom was pregnant with you. I was planning on proposing to her when I came back, but I had learned that she and Johnny were together. So, I gave the ring to your uncle Buck and told him to hold onto it until the time was right." he said and I smiled.

"So, you could have given the ring to Sam, but instead, you saved it for mom? All these years?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah, I could have. But, part of me was still holding out hope that one day your mom and I would end up together." he said and I smiled, leaning my head on his shoulder. I handed him the ring back. 

"I think she's going to love it dad." I said and he kissed the top of my head. "I love you kiddo. Dinner should be ready soon, so be downstairs in about fifteen minutes." he said and stood up, walking over to the door. 

"You cannot say a word to mom about this. I'm taking her on a date this weekend while your uncles set something up at the lot." dad said and I smiled and nodded. "I won't say anything to her." I smiled. Dad walked out of my room and I sat back against my headboard and smiled. 

Looks like things are getting better after all.

Or so I thought.

A/N: Cliffhanger. Paisley is pregnant. Bethany is excited that her dad is going to finally ask her mom to marry him. Everything seems to finally be looking up for Bethany. But is it really? Read the next chapter to find out!


The Outsiders: Paisley RandleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant