Chapter 39

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The pic above is a pic of Logan Moreau (Toby Duncan) as a baby

~~~Two Months Later~~~

Paisley's POV

Dally and I had a baby boy the second time around. We named him Logan Tyler Winston. Bethany has been amazing with him. She helps me take care of him when she's home and Dally's at work. The gang all love Logan. 

Bethan is now six and a half months pregnant. She and Justin are dating now. He and Gen have helped her get through her pregnancy the whole time. She's been feeling sick lately, so she's been at home resting. Justin brings her school work everyday after school. 

Doctor Emberlyn said that she should be able to go back to school on Monday. I know she doesn't like being at school because of everything that everyone says behind her back, but she hates being stuck at home more than anything.

Dally and I have noticed that lately she's been acting depressed and not really talking or eating. She says she's fine though. We asked Justin if he knew what was going on and he said that all he knew is she's stressed about the baby. Gen said the same thing.

"Mom, I'm going to the Dingo with Justin for a little while. Are you and the baby going to be okay for a little while?" she asked and I nodded with a smile. "Go and have fun, Beth. I've got the baby." I said and she smiled and nodded. 

Beth walked out the front door and I looked back down at Logan as I fed him his bottle. I heard the door open a few minutes later and looked up. Dally walked in with a smile on his face. "Hey, where's Beth going?" he asked as he sat down beside me. 

"She's going to the Dingo to meet with Justin. I told her to go and have fun." I said and he nodded. "How are you feeling, baby?" Dally asked, kissing my head. "I'm still sore, but I'm feeling a lot better." I said and he nodded. 

"Can you hold the baby? I have to go take a shower." I asked and he kissed my forehead. "Of course I can." he smiled, gently taking Logan from my arms. I smiled and stood up, kissing Dally on the lips. "I'll be right back." I said and headed up the stairs.

Bethany's POV

I was walking to the Dingo to meet up with Gen and Justin. Justin's been there for me through the whole pregnancy. I can't get over the fact that I'm gonna be a mom at fourteen. My birthday is in two months. My child's birth is in just a few short months. 

The short to the Dingo was short so I was there early. I walked inside and sat down at our usual booth. A waitress smiled and walked up to me. Her name tag had Sandy engraved on it. "Hi, what can I get for ya?" she asked, she glanced down at my stomach for a brief second. "Aw, you're pregnant? How far along are you?" she asked with a smile.

"Six and a half months." I smiled, placing my hand on my stomach. "You look awfully young to be pregnant?" she said sweetly. "It's.. a long story." I said and she looked at me sadly. "Mind if I sit for a minute?" she asked, gesturing to the spot on the booth next to me. 

I scooted over and let her sit down. "I know what it's like to be pregnant at a young age. I had my baby at sixteen. My parents made me leave and go to Florida to live with my aunt. My boyfriend told them he wanted to marry me and be there for me and our baby, but my parents didn't want me marrying at a young age. I haven't spoken to them since they made me leave." she said and I looked at her with sad eyes. 

"Did you ever talk to your boyfriend again?" I asked and she looked down and shook her head. "No, my parents told him that I didn't want to speak to him ever again and to leave me alone. I never even got to say goodbye." she said and I hugged her. I felt bad for her. She seemed like a really sweet person.

"What about you? Is your boyfriend in the picture?" she asked and I looked down. "I actually don't know who my baby's father is. I was raped." I said softly and she rubbed my back. "I'm so sorry." she said and I smiled. 

"Well hey, I have to get back to work. Can I get you anything?" she smiled. "Um, can I get a vanilla shake and a plain cheese burger with just the cheese, tomato and pickles?" I said and she smiled and wrote everything down. "I'll get that right to you." she said and stood up, walking back to the counter.

Not long after, Justin and Gen walked in and walked over to the table. There was a guy with them. He goes to our school. They walked over and Justin sat down beside me, kissing my cheek. "Hey baby, this is my friend Zayn." he smiled. 

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I said with a smile. "Beth, Zayn and I are dating, you've been gone from school sick and everything with the pregnancy so we haven't been able to talk much." Gen smiled. I could tell she was really happy.

"That's great Gen." I smiled. Sandy walked back over not long with my order and sat it on the table. "Hey what can I get you three?" she smiled. "I just want some french fries and a vanilla shake." Gen smiled. "I'll take a chocolate shake." Zayn said and sandy wrote it down and looked at Justin.

"I'll have a chocolate shake too." Justin smiled. Sandy wrote everything down and smiled. "Okay, I'll have your order right out." she smiled and walked off. "Okay who is that? I have never seen her here before." Gen said and I smiled. 

"That's Sandy, she used to live here. She got pregnant at sixteen. Her boyfriend wanted to marry her but her parents sent her away to Florida and told him that Sandy never wanted to hear from or see him again." I explained and they nodded. 

"That sucks. Why would anyone's parents do something like that to them?" Gen said and I nodded. "Yeah I know. No one deserves that. But she said she lived here when she was sixteen. She looks like she's around my mom's age. Maybe my mom and dad will know her?" I said and they nodded.

When we finished eating, we sat there and talked for a few minutes. Sandy walked back over and cleared the table. "Can I get you anything else?" she asked and we shook our heads. "No but thank you. Here's the money." Justin said and handed her the money. 

"Y'all have fun guys." she smiled and walked away. We got up and walked out of the diner and headed to the Curtis house. When we got there, everyone was there. We sat around the living room with everyone and I still couldn't get Sandy out of my head.

"Does anyone know who Sandy is?" I asked and everyone went quiet. "What?" I asked, confused. "How did you hear that name?" Sodapop asked. "There's a girl that works down at the Dingo. Her name's Sandy. She said she lived here when she was younger but her parents made her leave because she got pregnant and sixteen. Her parents told her boyfriend that she told them to tell him she never wanted to see or hear from him again." I said and everyone stayed quiet and looked down. 

Sodapop stood up from his seat and walked out back. "What did I say?" I asked, slightly freaking out. "No baby, it's not you. C'mere." My dad said and made room between him and my mom. "Sandy's boyfriend, was uncle Sodapop. They were so in love that sometimes it would make you sick just to watch them." he explained and uncle Ponyboy and uncle Steve laughed.

"Yeah, Soda and I would take Sandy and Evie to drag races with us all the time. They were so in love that Soda would talk about marrying Sandy all the time. When she left and didn't say bye, his heart was broken. We never thought that Sandy would break his heart like that, but her parents wouldn't tell us anything. I guess we were right though, we've known all along that Sandy wouldn't have hurt Soda like that unless she had too." uncle Steve said and everyone nodded. 

Sodapop never came back inside, he wasn't around the house so we figured he went on a walk. We waited for him to have some time to himself. 

A/N: low key plot twist... hope you like 


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