Chapter 12

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Bethany's POV

~A Few Hours Later~

I'm currently on a train to Dallas, Texas. The ticket says that it'll take six hours and forty minutes. I looked at the scenery as we drove past it. It was pretty. I felt the train stop and looked out of the window. We were at another train station. I saw that we were in Amarillo, Texas. It shouldn't be that much longer before we got to Dallas, Texas then. I sat back in my seat and waited for the train to begin moving again. That's when I heard a young feminine voice. 

"Is this seat taken?" I looked up and saw a girl that looked about my age. "No, you can sit here if you want." I smiled and she sat down. "My name is Gen." she smiled. "I'm Beth. How old are you?" I asked and she smiled. "I'm thirteen. What about you?" she answered. "I'm thirteen too." I answered. 

Soon the train began moving again and Gen and I had become best friends already. I learned that she was running away from her older brother. She told me she had left him a note that she was going to New York. I told her about how I was running away from my parents because I overheard my mom say she was going to send me away.

Soon, the train was stopping in Dallas and we both got off. "Where are you heading?" she asked and I shrugged. "I have no idea. I just know that I needed to get away from my parents. Where are you headed?" I asked and she shrugged. "I don't know either. I just needed to get away from my brother." she answered as we began walking.

We came across an abandoned house that was kind of in the woods. We went inside and saw that no one else was there. We set our stuff down and went to explore for a little while. "Did you bring any money with you?" she asked and I nodded. "Yeah. Did you?" I asked. "Yeah I got some with me too. I brought it so that I could get supplies from the store." she said and I nodded in agreement. 

We walked down the street for a little while until we came across a grocery store. We went inside and split up to get some food and drinks. I walked down the isles to see what kinda food I could find. I ended up getting simple stuff. I met back up with Gen at the front of the store where we paid for the items we got and then we left the store. 

I couldn't help but think about what my family and the gang were doing right now. But I quickly pushed the thought aside. If I think about them, I'll cave in and go back.

~Paisley's POV~

Everyone in the gang was searching for Bethany. Sodapop called off the wedding once he heard that she was missing. Bella threw a fit but I brushed it off. I don't know where she could be. We looked all around the church and she was nowhere. We rushed back to the house to see if she had just gone back there. 

When we got there I went straight up to her room. The first thing I saw were two sheets of paper on her pillow. One was for me and Johnny and the other was for Dallas and Sam. I read the note for me and Johnny and rushed back downstairs.

"Johnny! She ran away!" I cried out. Dallas and Johnny were immediately by my side. "She left us both a note Dally.." I said, trying not to cry, as I handed him his note. He quickly read it and cursed under his breath. "She overheard you talking to Steve this morning." he said and I nodded. 

I walked over to the couch and sat down. "Oh my God what did I do?" I said softly. Dallas came over and sat next to me. He put an arm around me and kissed my head. "Listen to me. You didn't do anything Paisley. This is not your fault. She's a teen. She's gonna do stuff like this. And when she comes home or when we find her, her butt is in trouble. This is not your fault." he said and held me close as I cried. 

I heard the door open and then slam shut but I didn't care enough in that moment to look up. I just kept my head in Dally's chest and cried.

~Johnny's POV~

While Dallas was on the couch comforting Paisley, Sam and I walked out of the house. I guess she and I both felt that small ping of jealousy. Dallas and Paisley will always share that one special connection because they're Bethany's real parents. Sam and I are just her step parents.

"I know how you feel Johnny." I heard Sam say and I looked at her real quick. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked and she smiled softly and nodded. "Yeah kinda." I sighed in frustration as we sat down on a bench at the park.

"Paisley has always meant the world to me. It just seems that here lately, she's always around Dallas and asking Dallas for advice. Shouldn't that be my job? I mean, I'M her husband. I should be the one comforting her right now. But instead she's crying on Dallas' shoulder." I said and Sam leaned her head on my shoulder. 

"I should be the one comforting Dallas, but instead he's got his arms wrapped around Paisley. I guess we both knew they were always going to have that stronger connection. But it doesn't make it hurt any less." Sam said and looked at me. 

"You wanna go to Buck's and have a drink?" I asked and she nodded. We stood up and headed down the street to Buck's house. The last time I was here, Ponyboy and I were running from the cops. Luckily Bob lived and testified that it was his fault that he got stabbed and almost died. The charges got dropped and I was let go.

Sam and I walked inside Buck's and walked over to the bar. Buck looked at both of us confused. "Shouldn't y'all be at Sodapop's wedding?" he asked and I shook my head. "I don't even wanna talk about it man. Just give me something strong." I said and he nodded. "I want my usual." Sam said as Buck walked over to the alcohol.  


There was a party going on at Buck's by this point. Sam and I were waisted and dancing with everyone else on the dance floor. Soon we found ourselves back over at the bar. "I haven't had this much fun since I first met Dally." Sam laughed and I smiled. "I can't remember the last time I had this much fun." I said and she smiled. 

She had a gorgeous smile. The lights from the bar made her look stunning. I know it's just the alcohol in my system, but for some reason, I still leaned in. Sam was leaning in too. Soon our lips connected and everything after that was a blur. 

A/N: Don't hate me. What's an Outsiders fanfic without a little love drama right? Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. Sorry it took so long to update. It takes me a couple days to figure out what I want to happen next and what kinda plot twists I wanna throw at y'all.


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