Chapter 27

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Quick A/N: The picture above his Rowan Blanchard, that's who I imagined Steph looking like.

Paisley's POV

 It's been two weeks since Stephany died. Everyone keeps asking if I'm okay. I keep saying that I'm fine. I haven't cried. I haven't laughed. I haven't shown any emotion at all. Dally tells me that it's okay to show emotion. He lost his other half and I lost my partner in crime. We should be feeling close to the same thing, and yet, all I feel is numbness. 

There was a knock on the door downstairs, no one ever knocks, they usually just come in. But I knew it was one of the gang. The knock was soft, sad. "Are the girls ready yet?" I heard the voice of my brother. "They're both still upstairs." Dally spoke softly.

I stood up from the seat at my vanity in our room. I walked over to Beth's room and saw her sitting on her bed, dressed in a black skirt and dark green, long sleeved shirt. She was looking at a photo. I walked over and sat next to her.

"What're you looking at, baby?" I asked and she looked up. "It's a photo of you and aunt Stephanie." she said and looked back down at the photo. I looked at it and smiled. "We took that when we were in high school." I said remembering the day we took it.

Flashback to Fourteen Years Ago

"Steve! Come take a photo of us!"  Stephanie said and handed her polaroid to Dallas. He let his cigarette hang out of his mouth as he held the camera up. "Ready?" he asked. "Make sure not to get the baby bump in the photo!" I said and he laughed and rolled his eyes.

He snapped the photo and took the print from the camera and shook it. "Here ya go." he said and handed it to us. We smiled at each other as we looked at it.

 We smiled at each other as we looked at it

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End of Flashback

There was a knock on the door and we both turned and saw Dally. "You girls ready?" he asked and I nodded and stood up. "Yeah." I held my hand out for Beth. She smiled softly and took it, standing up.

We walked down the stairs and the rest of the gang was there by that point. "We ready to go?" Steve asked and we all nodded. We got into our cars and headed to the grave yard. We couldn't afford to have a big ceremony, so we decided to just do a small gathering at the graveyard.


After the funeral and burial, we went back to the Curtis house and looked through old photos that Steph had hidden away in a box, they were mostly of me and her, some of the gang, and some of Beth when she was a baby.

After the funeral and burial, we went back to the Curtis house and looked through old photos that Steph had hidden away in a box, they were mostly of me and her, some of the gang, and some of Beth when she was a baby

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