Chapter 76: The Plan(s)

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"You're insane," Azuki said as calmly as possible. "First Adler and now this."

"It's not what you think," Louis responded.

"Isn't it?" she snapped. "You can't live a normal life as a businessman so you turn back to crime?"

"It's not like that at all," he insisted. "I just don't want to involve anyone I care about in this madman's game."

"That's the thing Louis," she said. "It doesn't matter what you do. Even if we're not directly involved, we're still dragged along after you."

"Which is why I'm doing my best to keep you as far from me as possible," he retorted.

She hung her head in her hands and leaned forward, propping herself up on her arms which rested on her knees. Louis walked over and sat down on the couch next to her, wrapping an arm around her. She leaned back into him and they both sat there quietly in the silent apartment.

"By tonight this will all be over," he said. "I'm sure of it."

Azuki didn't say anything. She just sat there in her husband's arm. It was nice, and she closed her eyes, losing herself in the moment. He was warm against her body and it comforted her. His heart rate and breathing were steady, though there was a tiny fluctuation that told her he was anxious. Even he wasn't sure this plan would work. She huddled closer to him and lay her head on his shoulder. He was too distracted to notice, but she didn't mind. She had learned to take the little things as she could, and this was more than a little. She dozed off for a quick nap and woke up a little later. Louis had laid her down on the sofa when he got up to leave. He was already gone by the time she had awoken.


"So what's his plan?" she asked.

"Unknown," Melon said. "I'm just as surprised as you."

Something in the hybrid's voice told Masumi he knew more than he was letting on. The van hit a bump in the road and Melon steadied himself against one of the two guards that sat on either side of him.

"Am I going to be handcuffed the entire time?" he asked.

"No," she said. "Just for the transport."

"I still don't know where we're going," Melon said.

"You'll figure it out," the horse snapped. "Just shut up for the rest of the trip."

Melon lay back against the wall of the transport. He pulled his legs up and sat on the balls of his feet, handcuffed hands clasped in between his legs. Masumi prayed for another bump in the road to throw him off balance. But no such luck, as the truck came to a stop as they reached their destination. The back of the truck opened and Melon was pulled out.

"How's the perimeter?" Masumi asked.

"Set up all around and the event's security is aware of our presence," an officer said.

"And the agents?"

"Running final checks," he said, gesturing to a van that was acting as the base of operations.

"And the chairman?" she asked.

"Yet to arrive," they answered.

"Very well," she sighed. "We still have time."

Melon looked around. They were in a small parking lot of some kind and there was a wall, sound coming from the other side. He looked left to see the ocean. They were also surrounded by cars all around them.

"Where are we?" he asked.

"Gem of The Ocean stage," Masumi answered.

"You couldn't tell me that before?" he asked.

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

A car rolled up, motioned there by some policemen. It parked in a space and the back door opened. Melon knew who it was upon the prosthetic clicking as he walked.

"Thank you Yuta," Louis said to the driver. "You can head back home. I'll catch a ride back from the CPD."

"Very well sir," the sheep said. The car pulled away and the deer straightened up. It was odd seeing him not in a suit. His clothes were still nice but not formal.

"Mr. Chairman," Masumi greeted.

"That title is unnecessary now," he said. "Just Louis is fine."

"Alright," Masumi said.

"Can I have a moment with my guest?" he asked.

"I'll give you five minutes," she agreed. "But then we have to brief you on the plan and move."

Louis nodded and Melon's handcuffs were removed. The hybrid massaged his wrists as Louis pulled him, rather forcibly, to the side.

"So you've considered my offer?" Melon asked.

"No," he said. "You've accepted mine."

Melon stood dumbfounded. He had, hadn't he? Good play.

"So what's your plan?" Melon asked.

"Are you wired?" he asked. "Do you have a tracker on you or anything?"

"No," he said. "I still have yet to plead anything so they have no need to track me."

"Good," he said. "This'll make things easier. They'll probably be watching you closely but we'll find a way around that. Here's what's going to happen. We'll go in together, but leave separately. While the force is busy arresting Razor, you'll slip away. Lay low in The Drusk. They won't go there. When you can, you will go back to the Jade Hybrids and make it appear as if you are in fear for your life. You're afraid this new killer will take you out and you need people watching your back."

"How dis you know I was in the gang?" he asked.

"Nakamochi told me how you tried to kill him," he said.

Melon looked down at the prosthetic. It made him wonder.

"And then what?" the hybrid asked.

"Keep me updated until the entire gang is behind bars or gone," he said.


Louis reached into his pocket and pulled out a flip phone, handing it to the hybrid.

"There is one contact in there and one only," he said. "My phone. I had my butler bring it to one of his friends to have it untraceable. I want updates every time they make a move."

"Whoever's next in charge might not tell me what their plans are," Melon said. "If anything I will be kept completely in the dark."

"Then anything you can tell me will be fine," he said.

Louis turned and moved to leave but Melon held his shoulder a moment. The deer jerked it away, turning back to him.

"What?" he asked.

"I'm in contact with the killer," he said. "If that may be of help."

"No," he said. "We have the same goal, but his reasoning is different and the execution is all wrong."

"How do you know?"

"Intuition," he said. "I don't want to kill anyone. They can't get off that easily."

Melon nodded in half understanding.

"Know your job?" Louis asked. "Does it make sense?"

Melon looked at Louis one good leg for a moment.

"Sorry," he said, watching the deer's reactions closely.

"For what?" he asked. Nothing changed about his body language. He didn't react at all.

"Nothing," the hybrid said, pocketing the phone.

Louis turned and moved towards the police chief.

"Adler," Melon whispered.

The deer faltered ever so slightly in his movements causing his prosthetic to drag. For the briefest of moments, Melon saw a man with his greatest secret laid before him. The hybrid coughed, pretending to clear his throat and breaking the tension between them.

"We're ready," he told the chief.

"Good," she said. "Here's what you're going to do."

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