Chapter 105: A Nightmare Within The Dream

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Legoshi and Haru lay in bed. They both lay awake, the rabbit wrapped in the wolf's arms. She was in another mood and remained stiff. Legoshi couldn't blame her. Jack's appearance couldn't have come at a worse time, and Legoshi hated to admit it but Haru would have to come first from now on. He'd check in from time to time - tomorrow morning definitely, just to see if Melon had stayed true to his word - but this came first from now on.

"I'm sorry," Legoshi said, his voice echoing a little in the dark. "I shouldn't's not that..."

He was having trouble getting the words out.

"It's alright," Haru said quietly, trying to keep the volume down at the lateness of the hour. "I don't really blame you. You and Jack have been friends for a long time and it only makes sense you'd be concerned for him. Especially in the state he was in."

"Yes but-"

"It's also sort of on me," she continued, her body softening as she spoke. "I should have told you when I first found out. Before the world was lit on fire. I thought it would be fun for you to figure it out yourself."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, giving Legoshi the time to formulate the proper words.

"To say I'm excited would be an understatement," the wolf started. "I am beyond excited. I can't even formulate the proper words. I'm speechless. If I remember correctly, the proverb goes something like: 'the best things are unexpected, the unexpected comes suddenly, suddenness leaves you speechless'."

"I'm pretty sure you just butchered a poor ancient philosopher's words," Haru chuckled. "I think I can hear him doing handsprings in his grave."

"I'm serious," Legoshi said, pulling her closer and placing his large hand on her belly. "This child, or children, we'll see, given a rabbit's reproductive system."

She playfully elbowed him at the jest.

"The baby was unexpected," he continued. "The suddenness left me speechless. Yes, Jack came at a horrible time, but the air helped me to fully grasp what was happening. I will always be here when you need me. I will put you and the baby first from now on. Always."

"Don't ham it up too much," Haru said, rolling her eyes up at him. "I'm not even that far along; I'm barely showing."

The wolf drew her in closer. That smell ingrained itself into his scent files. It was her, plus one other. Or two. Possibly three. It was possible, and completely normal, for rabbits to have up to four children in a pregnancy. Hybrids, however, were rarely born with a twin. Still, the science behind hybrid development was still in its infancy, but there was enough evidence to show that genetics of two different animal species never yielded more than one infant. Though the pregnancies that did yield more than one, the second usually didn't make it.

"So," Legoshi said, his head clearing more. "I feel like this has already been answered, but we're keeping the baby I'm assuming."

"Obviously," she said. "Unless, you have an-"

"Not at all," Legoshi cut her off. "Not at all. If you want it, I'll follow your decision."

"It?" she asked in jest.

"What?" he jested back. "We don't know yet if it's a boy or a girl."

They lay with each other in the dark, their respective warmths comforting to the other. Haru lifted her head and rested it on the wolf's snout like a pillow. She liked doing this. It got her closer to him. And her husband didn't really mind. There were nerves in his snout that relaxed him when stimulated. His wife resting her head on them did just that.

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