Chapter 77: Some Concert

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The concert had been blasting for an hour now. "Evil Grief" was playing their music nice and loud. The vibrations shook all the animals to their foundations and it was cathartic. You didn't need to see or listen to understand there was a feeling of comradery. Everyone could shed their differences and just get along in the music. If only real life were so simple. The theater was open to the sea, allowing anyone from the ocean to watch as well if they wanted. The stage had been built with the idea of strengthening ties in mind. Sometimes there would be ocean animals, but they mostly kept to themselves. Shoji and Shoon were in the crowd. In this gathering of "Evil Grief" fans, they all looked alike. Shoon could even wear his mask and not stand out. No one turned any eyes nor did they seem to care that a third of everyone looked like a terrorist, herbivores and carnivores alike. And it was different from the kinds of gatherings Shoon also attended; The masked ones where high society was given permission to let loose.

Shoji had been enjoying the concert, and Shoon was happy he was happy. The band wrapped up their quieter songs, as that was how they structured this performance. Calm everyone down before letting them go absolutely insane in a controlled way. Their next song, Shoji could tell from the opening few bars, was Satanic Savior. A nice segway into the louder part of the night. Shoon took the small break to look around. He didn't see his 'guests' but there was still an hour until the end. And even then, if he didn't see him, that would mean he didn't have to worry about him, which both saddened and excited him at the same time. The chairman would leave him alone, but now he was down an opposing player. He was distracted until Shoji drew him back.

"Hey!" he shouted over the music. "Loosen up. Don't worry about it."

Shoon turned to him with a smile under his mask that faded. Behind Shoji, he saw the security team at the stage conversing with officers. He looked around and saw police everywhere that weren't set up as guards when they first arrived. Then he saw the deer, and his counterpart. An odd choice to say the least, but then he put the pieces together. This had become a police operation. His stillness in the crowd made him stand out and he saw Louis lock eyes on him. The police in turn watched the deer.

"Um, Shoon," Shoji said, getting his attention. "I wanted to ask you something."

"Shoji," he said. "Stay close to me."

"What?" he asked.

"We're running," he said.

"But the good stuff just starte-," he cut off as he saw what his boyfriends saw. His face melted and he gave Shoon a face that said, 'I told you so'. 

"No," he said. "You follow my lead this time."

Shoon gave him a look and Shoji nodded, asking the hybrid to trust him. He returned the gesture. He took his hand and held is as tightly as he could in his smaller one.

"MOSH PIT!!!" the canine screamed at the top of his lungs.

The rest of the crowd yelled in an uproar of approval. The crowd moved and a section in the crowd formed. The two delved into the chaos and seemed to lose the eyes of their pursuers. But now the police started to fall in, closing in on the pit. The deer stood at the edge, trying to get a bead on them, but they all covered too much area. Even right next to the two horned animals, they didn't see them. Shoji grabbed both of them and dragged them into the pit. Shoon took the deer and shouted in his ear.

"I said only you and your counterpart!" he yelled. "Not the police!"

He shoved him deeper into the pit, onto the ground and at the feet of the mosh pit. The sudden burst on the deer's location added to the chaos the police were causing as they started to suppress the mosh pit, creating a whole nother issue. It bought them time, but not much. The concert goers didn't want any trouble with the police. If there was someone watching the chairman to tell who Razor was, they could no longer do that. Shoji looked at the pier and considered another plan.

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