Chapter 103: Confidential Friend

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Louis sat on his couch at the new apartment. Yuta had gone to great lengths to buy the place under an untraceable name and make the records as unsearchable as possible. It required a lot of pulling on old strings, but he had succeeded. Not even the police knew he was here. Though that didn't mean Razor didn't know. He had a way of figuring things out. He still hadn't fully explained everything to Juno. In her mind, she had only been chosen as a random citizen hostage to force Louis into a choice. She had no idea she had been handpicked and the entire show being invited to perform was a ploy by the terrorist to lure her to the city after he found her hidden picture in the picture frame. The choice wouldn't have mattered in the end as it was all just a plan to escape with his boyfriend.

The deer was busy going over Azuki's will and finalizing details and transfers. Eighty percent of her holdings were to be put into three offshore accounts. Only one of them was under her old family name. The other two names Louis had never heard of. Fifteen percent would go into Louis' accounts and the last five to be split among various charities. The rest of her assets, as she wrote down, were to be stored in a specific storage unit until someone came along to collect them. Even dead she was as mysterious as ever.

"I believe these two accounts are her sister's families," Nakamochi growled through his electronic voice box collar. "Last I knew, she had two sisters and a brother. I think the brother is the one coming to take care of her assets."

Louis looked over the documents in the dim light cast by the small fireplace under the staircase to the second story of the penthouse. He sat on the hearth with the papers in one hand and a drink in the other.

"Do you know her family?" he asked, looking up at the oryx.

The lawyer gave him a look before saying that magic phrase he was used to hearing whenever his father's dealings or business came up.

"Attorney-Client confidentiality," he grumbled.

"Mhm," Louis groaned as he stood and put the documents on the table. He took up a pen provided by his attorney and signed the transfers. He didn't need the money and it was her business. She could do whatever she pleased with her assets. He had no reason to dispute the will.

Nakamochi slipped the documents into a folder and slid it into his briefcase. He then took out the next folder and laid it in front of the deer; Next matter of business. Louis sighed and turned into the kitchen area behind him, placing the glass on the island's countertop. Before turning back, rolling up his sleeves.

"Give me the good news first," the deer said, sitting on a backless, black chair across from Nakamochi on the white couch. The oryx opened the larger file and fanned out each of the board member's smaller files on the black table between them. The mirrored sides of the block table struck Louis as odd, but it kept his prosthetic leg in view. It helped remind him he wasn't perfect, or untouchable. Something he felt he needed to be reminded of now.

"Good news is that the investigation into your affairs with the company has stopped," the oryx said, pointing out Louis' file was gone. "You get to keep all the money you made as the chairman."

Louis exhaled through his nose. Now it was time for the bad news. He gave Nakamochi an eye that said he was ready.

"They're all going to jail," he started. "Different secondary charges, but the primary case for conspiracy they were all found guilty of. That's thirty-five years for conspiracy to kidnap, maim, kill, and injure victims of the Back Alley Market. That's the minimum being served by Oyama. Unfortunately, in the resulting investigations, more stuff came to light about myself and everyone else on the board who survived being crucified. We'll be serving thirty-five plus five more at the least for various other crimes. Sentences served consecutively. Any money we made will be repossessed. A very, very small cut, I'm talking less than one percent, will be transferred to your account for any damage to you or your family's image. At this point, it's safe to say that The Horns no more."

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