Chapter 119: This Bloody Mess We Made

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Legoshi tracked Haru's scent through the building. It was emanating from one room. He could practically see the scent flowing from under the door. It called to him and he was drawn to it. The flowery scent enticed him to grab the handle and try turning it. The knob didn't budge so he forced it. Driven by furious rage, and the powerful canine instinct to save and protect his wife at all costs, he twisted the handle with all his might and felt the metal twist, bend, and warp. In one sudden motion, the metal snapped and the handle was torn off. The deadbolt was still an issue. With all his strength he kicked all his wight into the door, which snapped open, swinging on the hinges and slamming on the adjacent wall. He grabbed it with his claw on the rebound and stepped into the dark room. The light from the hallway streamed in and he saw Haru, strapped to a table with a needle in her arm. It was just dripping blood onto the floor.

"Haru!" he shouted.

He rushed to her side and carefully pulled out the needle, pressing his thumb on the wound to stop the bleeding. She groaned weakly in pain, not really registering he was there. Just that someone had taken the needle out of her arm. He held his ear to her chest and listened closely. She was barely breathing and her heartbeat was weak. He needed to get her to a hospital as soon as possible. 

"It's okay," he whispered to her. "I've got you. You're okay. You're safe."

He unstrapped her from the table and picked her up in his arms. She hung limply and he kept his thumb on the needle wound. Though she most likely couldn't feel it, he held her as close and as tightly as he could and kissed her on the head. Cradling her he turned to the door. 

It all happened so fast. A blur from the shadows in the corner of his vision as someone grabbed him from behind in a sort of back hug. He felt a searing pain as their claws sunk in and raked across the flesh of his stomach and chest. The weakened skin of his old scars opened up and he collapsed to his knees, doing his best to keep Haru safe and close to himself as he grabbed the stomach wound with his other, keeping it closed as best he could. He cradled his wife with one arm, applying as much pressure as he could to the worse wound. The slash to his stomach was deeper than his chest wound and the blood was hot, much more serious than Haru's, but he wouldn't let her lose another drop. He held his wife close and scootched them both to a nearby cabinet, propping himself up against it as he gasped for breath.

"Forgot I had claws now right?" Melon asked from the shadows. "Good. I wanted to surprise you."

The hybrid walked to the open door and closed it, shutting off the only light source for the room. Legoshi watched with his predatory night vision as Melon took a pot and used it to prop the door closed. Damn the gashes in his stomach were deeper than he thought. It hurt like fucking hell and he was still bleeding. He felt he would open up the gash even more if he dared to move and he dared not. So he sat as still as he could, cradling Haru in a steadily growing pool of his own blood.

Melon turned on a hanging overhead lightbulb and stood there, staring down at the married wolf and rabbit. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and just stared.

"What was your plan?" Melon asked. "Jump in, save your wife, kill me, and leave?"

Legoshi just looked up as the pain from exposed nerves started to make him spasm. Damn, Melon had gotten in good.

"You were going to deny me my life," Melon stated. "Help the serial killer with his master plan in bringing all of us down?"

Legoshi's mind switched to hostage survival mode. The blood loss was happening faster than he thought and it was making him delirious, but he had to keep his head. He was going to do or say anything that would most likely help him walk out of here alive. With Haru.

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