Just The Beginning

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A/N: Okay...Might've gone just a bit past that "Week MAX" I said last time. Yeah, this is why I don't set a solid schedule. But, anyways, here we are. Reviewing the manga for this chapter revealed to me that the Stain fight is actually like, WAY shorter than the anime makes it out to be. In-universe time is probably around 5 minutes or so. 


"Your fate will match theirs..."

Izuku and Kyouka were rooted to the spot, Stain's eyes burning with an inner flame unlike any other they had ever seen. The look of murder, and unwavering will to do so. The low-level thugs at the USJ were nothing compared to this. They knew then and there, this was truly their first test as heroes.

"Oh this is all kinds of bad," Kyouka got down, grabbing Iida by his uninjured arm and trying to lift, but she struggled, his heavy armor and deadweight not helping in the slightest, "Hey, Iida, a little effort, please?"

Tenya grunted as he struggled to move even a single muscle, but nothing happened. "I'm sorry, but I can't move. I'm paralyzed. Once he cut me, I was completely immobilized. I think it's his quirk."

Izuku moved over to Native, doing his best to keep his eyes trained on Stain for any sign of movement. "Sir, can you move?" When they received no response, Kyouka raised her jacks towards the downed hero.

"He's breathing, but it's slow. He's out cold."

Stain pulled out his serrated blade, walking towards the heroes-in-training, "Showing concern for an injured man? Take notes, Ingenium," Stain mocked.

"Shut up!" Iida growled at the vigilante. "You two need to get out of here! This is my fight! I don't want your help!"

Kyouka pulled her weapon from her back, "All the more reason to be here."

Izuku raised his fists, preparing to strike. "Because giving help, even when it's not asked for, is what makes a true hero," Izuku finished for her, quoting what All Might had said.

The trio of teens were shocked, and a little creeped out, as Stain suddenly stopped in tracks, gasped and smiled widely. Kyouka shivered, "Okay, I'm gonna have to ask you to not do that."

"Kyouka," Izuku whispered, attracting his girlfriend's attention. She looked down to see Izuku holding his phone behind his back. "Take my phone, call for help. I'll keep him distracted."

Kyouka aggressively whispered, "Oh no, you're not doing the whole 'I'll hold him off while you get help'. I'm not leaving you alone with a psycho-killer."

Izuku shook his head, holding his phone behind his back, "More like I'll hold him off for ten seconds. Send Todoroki our location."

"Todoroki? What about All Might or Torino?"

"They're busy with the Nomus, they won't notice the texts until it's too late. Endeavor can't be too far away from the action, which means Todoroki should be close by. The pros are needed there, anyway."

"There?! What about here?! With the murderer!"

"Kyouka, we're well past the point of no return."

Kyouka grumbled, grabbing the phone from Izuku's hand, "Just let me find Todoroki's number."

Izuku began his part of the plan as his body sparked to life, and he rushed towards the enemy. Izuku slid under Stain, right between his legs. The killer swung around to slash at the teen, but Izuku redirected power to his back, firing a scattershot of energy behind him. The blast hit Stain directly, and the kickback from the pulse sent Izuku the opposite direction. Shooting another shot of energy from his back, Izuku used his supercharged leap forward to go over Stain's head, but Stain was ready this time.

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