Let's Have a Chat

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A/N: This chapter has actually been out on for about a week. I don't know if that will be a common thing, but there's always the chance for early access over there.

Also, I don't think it'll take a full week or more from this point on, that was kind of an accident.

But, ANYWAY, this chapter is another peek into the direction I'm taking Tomura in this story. I'm real excited for him, I think there's something cooking over there.

Next time is Summer Camp! This story is about to...get kind of nuts...

But trust me.

...Please trust me.


(A Few Days Later: Near Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall)

It really was comical, wasn't it?

All these people walking around, smiling and laughing like the world wasn't a complete shithole under the surface.

Tomura sighed, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he glowered at everyone around. That was just it, wasn't it? "Under the surface." Nobody ever wanted to look that deep, but the world praised those who did.

Like Stain.

"Bloodlust without conviction..." Tomura muttered under his breath. I mean, it's not like he could blame Stain for thinking like that. He wasn't totally wrong either.

He wanted All Might out of revenge, not some sort of grand belief. Changing the status quo was never his goal, it's just what would happen if All Might was killed. But, it's not like the Hero Killer knew that. It wasn't like he was ever gonna explain that to him either. Hell, the public certainly didn't know about his revenge.

But, it's not like the public even actually cared, anyway. Stain's own followers didn't even care.

Every league member he had hired so far, while some may not admit it, couldn't give a single shit about Stain (except for Spinner). He could read right through them. So, what was all this about anyway?

What the hell was the League supposed to be? What did they think of him if they didn't even join for Stain in the first place?

What? Did the public think he was some kind of anarchist? It's not like it mattered, because either way nobody cared. Everyone knew both the USJ and Hosu were the League, and yet...





Stain was just a People Pleaser's Bad Guy. Everybody loved the "Anti-Villian".

It's not like anybody actually believed in him. Most would rather he go to jail or die, but his convictions make him interesting. And, yet, even now nobody ever actually wonders why Stain does what he does. They know what he believes, but nobody cares to look into the so-called corruption he fights against.

Nobody cares. Ever.

The funny part was, he didn't care either. At least, so he thought.

With all of these new recruits under his command, he had been thinking. He had his goals, but what about besides All Might? What was he doing? What was he supposed to lead the League towards when he had no destination.

What if things went well and All Might actually died. The fuck would he do then?

Bloodlust without conviction was true, but what convictions did he even have to offer?

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