779 13 1


Age: 7 yrs old

Y/n - Your Name


Y/N's POV:

"Will be back Y/N. Tim should be in the house somewhere," Dick says, as he walks out with the other two boys.

I simply nod in understanding with a smile. When the door closes I turn around and head for the kitchen to make some lunch.

When I finish making my sandwich I turn around and see a small - fuzzy - spider blocking my path to freedom.

My breath hitches in my throat as I stand as still as a statue.

'Maybe if I stay like a statue it won't see me! That's a great idea, your so smart Y/N. EEKK!! It's moving over here! My body won't move! MOVE BODY MOVE! WAIT! Timmy can help me.'

"TIMMY!!!!" I screech at the top of my lungs.

Seconds later Tim rushes in the kitchen with his bo staff in hand and is wearing his sweatshirt and sweatpants. He looks over to me in confusion, wanting an answer.

"There's a SPIDER!" My voice cracks at the end of my squeal.

"A spider?" Tim asks, with a dumbfounded expression.

"It's fast, furry and the worst part is - it's HUGE," I exclaim.

"So you called me down here because of the tiny spider right there?" Tim sighs, facepalming.

"YES!" I screech with my hands up in air for emphasis.

"Fine. I'll get it," Tim says, as he picks me up and sets me on the counter.

He grabs some paper towels, then turns around but stops.

"The spider was right there right?" Tim asks, turning towards me pointing to the empty spot on the ground.

"Gulp. It was," I whisper, my eyes frantically looking around the kitchen but I don't find it anywhere.

"Okay. So it could have gone anywhere at this point, that's just great." Tim states.

"Thanks captain obvious." I say.

~Time Skip~

"Guys were back! Guys?" Dick says, as he opens the door.

The 3 boys walk into the house, but it is dead silent. They slowly make there way into the living room and see pillows scattered around the room with Tim and Y/N standing on the couch and coffee table constantly looking in every direction, with pans in their hands. 

"What's up with y'all?" Jason asks.

"There is a huge spider and Timmy lost it!" Y/N screeches. 

"I did not!" Tim defends.

"Yes you did! You turn around and the next second it's gone! It could be anywhere in this house," Y/n shouts, putting her hands on her hips. 

"Well you saw it first!" Tim shouts back. 


Jason snorts, turning around to grab a cup then turns back around to see it's gone. A confused expression appears on his face as he turns to the others. That is how the spider investigation started.

~Time Skip~

Alfred's POV: (YAS! FINALLY!)

I walk back into the manor from the grocery store and find the house full of screams and loud crashes. When I reach the living room I have to stiffle a laugh.  There standing on the couches and coffee table are all of the masters with pots and pans in there hands, constantly looking around. 

"What's going on here?" I question.

All the heads turn my way & they all sigh in relief. I keep my questioning glance until one of them decides to answer my question. 

"Well if you must know Pennyworth, Todd and Drake can't keep a tiny spider in view. So now where all stuck up here until someone spots the hairy creature," Damian states, with a unamused expression. 

"Well it appears to be on the counter right over there. All you have to do it grab a cup, then place it over the creature and there you have it, all nice and secure," I say,executing my instruction before turning back to all of their jaws dropped to the floor. 

"It really isn't that hard to catch a creature that small," I state with a smirk, before walking out of the room leaving all of the dumbfounded.



 I have finally finished the chapter! *Applause* Thank you ! Thank you, your too kind. Sorry it took so long, I couldn't figure out how I wanted to end this chapter & this is what it turned out to be. Thanks for reading! Make sure to check out some of my other books if your interested & looking for something new!

Once again, thanks for reading my wonderful readers. Also if you want, comment down some thoughts you have about this. Follow for some updates on my latest books if your interested. I will try to update more often when summer comes around, I promise to try my hardest to get something out soon. One last thing, thank you all so much for the reads, it's amazing to see how much people are reading and enjoying the book! Goodbye for now! 

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