Request ~ Can't Handle A Nightmare?

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A/n: Thanks to InsufficientIvy for sending in this request. Credit to the artists of all of these pictures. (I only put them all on one pic)

This is like a pt. 2 to He...Fired Me


Y/n - Your Name

N/n - Nick Name

Age - 12 yrs old

Pronouns - She/her


Y/n's POV:

I can't understand how Tim convinced me to come back home. I really can't,no explanation other than he has a way with words. So here I am in the manor, in my room trying to fall asleep. It's so quiet in the house since all the boys are out on patrol but Dad decided to stay back & keep an eye on me. 

I don't know what's worse, having my Dad keep an eye on me like a hawk or him never being here. They both have there pros & cons. 

"Ugh, at this point I'm never going to go on patrol!" I exclaim, falling back onto my bed with a dramatic huff.

What can I say? I get it from my dramatic brother. (Can you guess which one?)

Soon after staring at the ceiling for so long my eyes flutter shut from being open all day. I practically welcome the darkness with open arms. 


I find myself bound to a wooden chair with thick rope that rubs on my wrists. I try to move but a searing pain shoots through my wrists making me look at them. Taking a closer look at it I see that my wrists are rubbed raw as if I've been doing that for a while. Weird.

But looking around I find that I'm in the batcave..WAIT BATCAVE?!

"Hello? Anyone?!" I call out, only to get silence as an answer. 

I sigh in defeat before moving my arms once again causing the searing pain to return but this time a lot more painful causing a cry to release from my lips. I try moving my legs but their not budging because of how thick the rope was. It's like they knew that this is my weakness, but the only ones who know that is...

ahhh sh-

"COME OUT HERE! I KNOW YOUR HIDING!" I shout, making my voice prominent in the cave. 

Soon after a slow clap begins but it soon turns into multiple people. 5 figures soon come up just to the brink of light showing me their is people there but not who they are. I scoff at the figures, knowing just who each person is. My family. 

"Alright just come on out, I caught onto your prank. Haha so funny," I say, giving them a look of distaste.

"Oh, you think were your family? HAHAHA" One starts but another interrupts.

"Try again sweetheart. Will give you a hint," The figure says before walking out. 

The figure turns out to be my brother, but not the one I know. He's wearing the talon outfit from when he...(Do you guys know?)

I glance over & spot Jason but not him, it's from his league of shadow days...oh h naw! If this is how it's going I'm doomed. I then glance over to Tim to see that he's not okay either, he seems the worst out of everyone. He's in the Joker era. Gosh, if he were still like this, there would not be any way to help him. 

I glance over to Damian expecting the worse but he seems the same, just in the - the league of shadows outfit. He took the title, crap.

This only leaves one person...Dad. I glance to his tall figure & gulp hard. His whole aura is deadly,creepy, I want to die feel. His smile is stretched insanely big & his eyes are covered with a piece of metal. (Batman who laughs outfit. He's creepy) I shiver at the sight of him which makes the guys happy? Why would that...I'm evil in this universe too. I'm not playing the part, I'm officially doomed.

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