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A/N: I think this is the first authors note that I don't have anything to say....weird.

This is a Batfamily x Sister!reader


E/c: Eye Color

S/N: Superhero Name


Y/n's POV:

 '6:30'  the clock read. 

I growl at the clock & debate whether or not I should throw it out the window. I do have a good reason for it, but not the money sadly.

Now you're probably wondering why I don't just have Bruce get me another one. Well...let's just say I moved out of the manor to live on my own in Blüdhaven. Well not entirely as I live in a apartment with my brother Dick. Not the best combination but it works. 

"Y/N! We got to go it's almost 7. We have to be at the station at 7:10," Dick shouts from somewhere in the apartment.

I glance at the clock to see I only have 15 min to get ready?! I scramble to my feet rushing to my closet, practically breaking down the door. I grab a white button up, my tie & the long black pants, throwing them on as fast as I could. 

I quickly make my way to the bathroom while tying my hair up into a messy bun. I can hear Dick laughing at me but I don't focus on that as I quickly brush my hair & teeth then finally move onto makeup. I glance at the time on my watch picking up the pace once again before rushing to find my shoes. 

I soon find myself face planting into a wall as I couldn't stop fast enough with my socks. I let out a breath of air to blow the hair strands out of my face before slipping on my shoes with a proud look as I turn around. 

I come face to face with Dick smiling at me before lifting up my belt with my badge. Are you kidding me?! I think as I sigh in defeat. 

I snatch the belt from his hand & quickly put in on before taking my badge. I look up at him with a somewhat confident face but I know I don't seem like that at all. I'm practically bouncing from nerves as we make our way to the car. Even on the way their my mind drifts off thinking about today.

I should probably explain what's so important about today. Today is the day that I will be taking the detectives exam. I've been a detective in training under Dick for about 2 years now & I  finally have the courage to take it. I've been working in the department for as long as I can remember so it seemed like the best option. 

But to be honest, the only reason I'm going into the detective department is because everyone has noticed how well I do with these kind of cases. What they don't know is that I got it all from my brothers & Batman. If you haven't caught on already I'm (S/N), the best superhero/detective of all time! I mean I get it,  I'm perfect for the job but it's a huge step. If I ever wanted to go into somewhere else in the department, I would be at the bottom of the chain again. 

"Y/N!" I turn my head to see that we're parked in front of the station with Dick looking at me with concern. 

"What?" I ask.

"Sigh. Are you okay? You spaced out the whole drive which is unusual for you since you talk nonstop," He responds. 

I nod my head & walk out of the car up to the front doors. I stare at the doors as my feet are frozen in place. The building has a creepy feel to it the longer I stare at it. I gulp down my nerves as I try to move forward but i only make it about a centimeter far. My lungs feel like they're about to explode as the time goes by. I feel a hand touch my shoulder but I don't look at them, I just stare at the doors. The doors that could lead to my fate, the rest of my career behind the door.

Something begins to shake my shoulders which finally snaps me out of my never ending daze. When I look up I see all of my brothers in front of me with huge smiles. I finally take in the fact that all of them are standing in front of me & I'm not just seeing things. 

I reach out in front of me bringing the closest brother into my embrace which ends up being Tim. All of them surround me in a big hug as I practically squeeze the life out of Tim. Sniffles are soon heard coming from me as I break from the hug & look at all of them. I then realize that Bruce & Alfred are here to. I run over to them & hug them both will all of my might. Tears soon fall from my eyes as I part from everyone & see all of their soft smiles aimed towards me. 

"Now don't cry, you have a test to take Ms. Detective," Jason says, wiping away my stray tears with his thumb. 

I nod & take a deep breath before walking into the station, nerves slowly disappearing as I go further into the station. I see familiar faces as I walk into the room that will determine my career's fate. I take a deep breath as I close the door behind me, walking confidently to take my test. 

~Time Skip~

3rd POV:

The whole family waited outside of the station as Y/N was inside taking the test. Anticipation was brewing inside everyone's stomach's as the trainee's came out one by one. There eyes scanned the crowd to find their sister, only to find her walking out last with a blank expression. Frowns are soon shown on the brothers faces as Y/N walks slowly towards them with her face showing a grim expression. 

Her footsteps soon stop as she is right in front of the whole family. All of them try to move forward & comfort the sorrowful girl but she raises her hand to stop them. Eyes soon dart to each other confused as to what is going on. 

Y/N lowers her hand & grabs a badge from her back pocket & raises it as well as showing a proud smirk. The badge in her hand was a detective badge for the Blüdhaven Police Department. 

Turns out there was no need to be so nervous for the test because every part of the test Y/N knew. The nerves weren't needed after all. 

A/N: I'm gonna be honest this story got sooo off topic from what it was originally supposed to be but oh well - a chapter is a chapter am I right? 

Hope y'all are enjoying you day/night/whatever.

See y'all in the next chapter!

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