We Die Together

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Why wait? send me a message with your request or down in the comments & I shall complete it to the best of my abilities. But NO SMUT, LEMON. However FLUFF, ANGST, ETC is welcomed with open arms.



*Bang! Crash*

"Is everything alright in there?" Dick asks, as he stands at the bottom of the stairs.

"Everything is perfectly fine Dick. Nothing to worry about at all." Y/N shouts from her room.

Suddenly there is a loud yelp and a thud in the room. A second later a door is slammed open and shuffling is heard from the first floor.

Y/N's POV:

So - a lot has happened in the last few seconds that I cannot even begin to describe. One moment I'm laying on my bed listening to music the next moment I'm laying on the floor with Tim laying on top of me and Damian sitting in front of me with a grin on his face. That can't be good. I thought to myself.

"What?" I ask, flipping over so Tim gets thrown off of me.

I am victorious! I internally scream, but my victory is very short. I'm soon pulled into my twin's arms and try to wiggle my way out but I immediately stop when I finally notice Tim's neon green hair and Jason's pure white (powdered) face. I begin to laugh but stop when I realize that I'm cornered by my 3 brothers. Maybe it wasn't smart to prank those two...wait! Since when did Jason care about anything but my own twin is betraying me? I don't think so.

"Dami?" I question, looking up to him, only to see his 'sad' face.

"Sorry Y/N. But this is for your own good. Don't think of it as a betrayal, think of it as a lesson." Damian says, putting on his 'i'm sorry' face.

My OWN TWIN! Shock is written clear as day on my face. My own twin is betraying me for our older brothers, and I thought he was the reasonable brother. Yea, Dami is definitely losing that title from me. This is just cruel.

"I can't believe my own twin would do this. Oh well." I say, as I kick Tim in the stomach.

He instantly falls to the ground in pain while I use the momentum to throw me and Dami back into the wall. A smile makes its way onto my face when his arms are no longer wrapped around me and I make a run for it.

"Is everything alright in there?" Dick asks, as he stands at the bottom of the stairs.

"Everything is perfectly fine Dick. Nothing to worry about at all." Y/N shouts from her room.

Her victory is yet again cut short as she is pulled down to the ground once again by her twin.

"Just whose side are you on? I thought you were supposed to be on my side! Evil twin!" I exclaim as I squirm until I'm free only to be picked up by Jason.

" Nooo! Well, it was nice knowing everyone." I dramatically exclaim, with a mock salute.

"You're not going to die, soldier. At least not now, we are heading downstairs to report you to the captain." Tim declares, as he plays along.

"I'm too young to die, thank you very much. I plead the 5th!" I shout, but internally smile.

"Sigh. What happened?" Dick asks, not even turning around to give a glance.

Dick's POV:

There is no such thing as a normal & quiet day in this house. Ever. One moment the house is full of chatting and laughing, then the next it's a 'run for your lives' day. I know that they love to do pranks and everything but it's getting out of hand. From doing water balloon's to temporarily dying someone's hair, there's no end in rivalry. But I will admit, dying Tim's hair with Y/N was fun, but that's not the point!

I hear 4 sets of footsteps coming down the stairs, and a sigh escapes my mouth.

"What happened?" I ask, continuing with my work at the table.

"Dick! I've been caught by these monsters and my evil twin!" Y/N dramatically declared.

I hear someone plummet to the ground with a shriek. The room is soon filled with chuckles as Y/N wines from her spot on the floor. I turn around and see the 3 boys either with anger or amusement on their faces.

"So you got caught huh?" I ask, as I bend down towards Y/N.

"What do you mean you got caught? Did you know she was going to do this?" Jason questions.

All of the attention is turned on me. I feel like I'm being stared down by 3 hawks.

"Did you?" Jason asks, amusement glinting in his eyes.

I chuckle nervously and help Y/N off of the floor. I send one look to her and she nods with the smallest amount of movement possible. I tap her arm with 3 fingers to signal 3 seconds, Hopefully we make it out alive.

Y/N's POV:

Does Dick really think that we can outrun 3 teenagers who can run like the flash. Nah, I don't think so. I reluctantly agree as he taps my arm with 3 fingers. Okay 3 seconds, we can make it.

They're closing in, 2, not so great. 1. Me and Dick sprint up the stairs into his room. I can hear the boy's footsteps running after us at great speed.

"You can't outrun us Y/N. You know that." Damian sang, as they grew closer and closer.

"Dick! Open the door! Go!" I shout.

I crash into Dick as he opens the door and we slam it shut and lock it with all of our strength. I sigh and fall to the ground on my back and stare at the ceiling. Yeah the boys might be yelling on the other side of the door, but we made it back.

"Captain. We won!" I announce, grinning up at him.

"We did soldier. But you know the moment we go out there, we may not make it out alive." Dick declares, outstretching a hand towards me.

As he pulls me up from the ground, we both turn towards the door hearing the chaos that's erupting from the other side. We both look at each other then back at the door with determination.

Sure there is never a single quiet day in this house, but that's what makes life interesting. Everyday is full of different surprises and we're making the best of it.

3rd POV:

The two of them slam open the door with grins on their faces as they run towards their so-called last battle. Chaos once again explodes through the house, but it's filled with laughter.

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