Request ~ Why didn't you tell us?

644 9 6

A/N: Thanks to --strawberries for requesting this chapter!

( I do not own this image, Credit to the artist of this image!)

Adding on to the list of my amazing readers, a huge thanks to  SAVIOR_05  for voting/adding this book. ♡♥ ♡♥

- Feel free to drop down a request in the comments or send a message to my account!

Disclaimer: I do not own any DC characters.

- Angst/Fluff 

TW: Mentions of bullying, panic attack

If you are not comfortable reading this, you can skip to the time skip with the ♡♥ ♡♥Around them or just don't read this chapter!


Dick: 20

Jason: 19

Tim: 17

Damian: 16

Y/N: 14 1/2 

(Sorry if these weren't the ages you wanted, they just made the most sense in my head)

♡♥ ♡♥♡♥ ♡♥♡♥ ♡♥♡♥ ♡♥♡♥ ♡♥♡♥ ♡♥♡♥ ♡♥♡♥ ♡♥♡♥ ♡♥♡♥ ♡♥♡♥ ♡♥

Y/N's POV:

Another day, another punch. Another night, another nightmare. It's a never ending cycle. 

 I sigh as I set my bag down on the bench in front of me.  I grab my gloves & tools as I walk out of my shed to the garden. I somehow always find myself out here after school either to garden or sketch some of the scenery. Today shall be used to garden!

Even though my shoulder aches. I thought, rubbing my shoulder.

Better get to work on my beautiful roses. I continue to work on the roses with a small smile on my face, sweat every so often rolling down my forehead. 

Next thing I know it's completely dark outside as I can't see in front of me at all. There going to kill me. I quickly turn on my flashlight & run back to the shed, put my gloves & tools away & sprint to the house.

Or should I say mansion. 

I pant as I skid to a stop in the kitchen to see everyone already eating at the table. All of them are frozen in place while I probably look like a deer in headlights. 

"Out in the garden again?" Bruce questions.

I nod my head as I continue to walk upstairs to take a shower. After my shower I look in the mirror to see the bruise on my arm. I wimper slightly thinking about today. 

They'll never know! Besides if you tell them, things will be very, VERY, bad for you. Especially for them, understand?  There words replay in my head like a broken record player.

But that happens on a daily basis so it's nothing i'm not used to. Sure some insults are worse then others but it's nothing I can't handle. 

I lay down in my bed forgetting about dinner & stuck in the prison called my mind with the beast: My thoughts.

~Time Skip~


My hand slams down on the demon, surprisingly not breaking it. New record! I open my eyes but squint due to all of the light coming in. I rush out of bed to my closet & put on my uniform, brush my hair & teeth then hurry down the stairs. 

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