Chapter 17 : Reinforcement

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Porsche's POV

"Hey Kinn,"I whispered as soft as a feather, catching his attention from washing his handson the sink. His eyes quickly looked up at me through the glass mirror and slowly, the corner of his lips turned up into a naughty smile..

I stood there nonetheless surprised and stunned for approximately a minute, before I retrieved my consciousness and quickly turned my head around,attempting to move my feet and walk past by him. But then a hand grabbed my arm and another pulled at my hair, achingly gentle and yet carried enough force to get me shaking and shifting backtowards him.

"Aren't you going to greet me?"

I hurriedly yank him off me but his fingers were persistently plastered untomy hair.

"What do you want?"I asked while turning my gaze away so as not to look into his eyes directly. My body immediately tensing up with his nearness.

"Hey.... it's me, not a ghost. Why do you look so pale?" Kinn said breaking into a hushed chuckle. His face had that familiar smugsmile that I hated so much.

"I'm going to go back to my friends."

I said ready to depart but Kinn placed his arm around my waist that it halts me. I turned around to glare at him harder. The anger in my eyes caused him tostep back and I flinched with the movement. Not at me wishing to get closer,not a chance.

"How are you?"He asked me using a flat tone.


I lifted my hand from his grip and put it inside my pocket, still trying to resisthis eyes.

"Seems like you're cured, I just saw that woman walking out of your cubicle." I didn't notice when or how Kinn managed to corner me by advancing step by step towards my direction and I kept retreating backwards until my back hitsthe cubicle door.Somehow my body automatically responds to him.

In fact, I felt goosebumpsall over my body every time he uttered a word.

"What are you doing?"Deep paranoia and anxiety engulfed my mind which was subconsciouslytaking control over my body.

Right now, I just want to shove him awayharshly, but I can't seem to move according to my desire. I can just watch him shuffle closer to me until my body is against the cubicle walls and I felt powerless.

"Nothing ... I just saw a lady walking out, looking annoyed, what thefuck were you doing?" Kinn said mockingly.

"We better go look inside for Porsche, I saw him going in here and disappear towards the restroom."

A loud voice suddenly sounded from outside the bathroom and I knew verywell whose voices they belong to.Without even thinking, Kinn suddenly grabbed my hand and led me into the toilet cubicle where I came from. He closed the door and locked it from theinside.

"What the fuck are you doing!!"
I exclaimed in a low voice, attempting to get out of this cramped area.

"Shhhh!" Kinn put his finger to my mouth with his other hand gripping both of minemaking it ridiculously impossible for me to run away. My back was squeezed against the wall, I shifted my face to avoid Kinn's face which was extremely getting closer.

"Back off!" I said, nudging him away a little, my voice was shaky because the restroom'smain door opened and footsteps strides in front of the cubicle we were in.

"Shit Porsche ~ ~ ~" Jom's voice was heard calling for me.

"That's it!!!! Looks like he is in here!! is he eating fast food again?!"Tem said.

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