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Based on episode of Shameless - Season 2 episode 1 - "Summertime"

Based on episode of Shameless - Season 2 episode 1 - "Summertime"

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South side of Chicago. What a shit hole.

I have been here 3 days and already I have been:
-Almost run over
-been swore at by a group of teenagers in the street.
-Had a drunk man come up to me begging for money.
-The same man follow me home and sit on my doorstep waiting for me to give him some.

Trust me there's probably more, but hey I'm used to shitholes.

Me and my mum have just moved here as her ex boyfriend - Jake - ditched us and ran away to Australia. Sounds like my dad, except, maybe not all the way to Australia but he still left.

You see, Jake brought all the money in and after my dad left 10 years ago he helped my mum get back on her feet. Now he's gone, all that has gone down the drain.

We moved into a cheap house that we could only afford off the checks my mum gets and the payments from my dad every so often.

My mother, of course, had drunk more alcohol in 1 day than most adults have in a year.

Of course as soon as we got here she had to find a bar to go to. I think it's called 'the alibi room' or something like that. So she's gone there.

I'm stuck unboxing stuff as usual. We don't have a moving van so it is all stuffed in the back of the taxi.

I walk out into the hot breezy air to go and get another box out the car. As soon as I step out the front door it slams shut startling me a little.


I just realised I left the keys inside the house. My mums at some bar getting drunk. She's the only other person who has the key.

Wait. I think I remember the realtor saying they left the spare set with the neighbours. I'll just ask them.

I walk down the steps of my porch and walk up to the neighbours house.

(Imagine her house is on the right ok)

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(Imagine her house is on the right ok)

I knock on the door lightly. No one answers. It was very early in the morning.

I knock on the door again this time more harder now. Except this time a younger girl with ginger hair and a cute green dress answers.

She looks at me and asks "Hi, are you here for my daycare, if you are, you have to bring a baby and the price is no lower than 30 dollars per hour." I swear she said all this without breathing.

"Umm no sorry I'm not I'm your new neighbour. Can I um speak to your mum?" I ask still awkwardly standing by the front door.

"FIONAAAA!" The girl shouts moving over for a brown haired woman to see. This couldn't be her mum she looked way to young. Maybe a sister.

The brown haired girl was wearing a beautiful white dress and she was very pretty.

I smiled at the brown haired girl "hi sorry to bother you my names Alissa and I'm your new neighbour next door," I say pointing to my house next to theirs, the girl is still there as she looks at the house and back at me. "And I was wondering if you had the spare key the realtor told me you did."

"Oh yes we do," the brown haired girl says "you can come in while I find it." She then runs to the kitchen to look for it.

I stand in the living room with the little girl. "I like your hair, looks shiny." The girl complimented.

"Thank you, I love your hair aswell. The colour is very pretty." I reply the girl smiles and plays with her hair.

"The names Debbie." She says then the door rings and she goes to answer it.

"Oh here it is." The brown haired lady comes running back in with the key in her hands. "Always loose those things." She jokes handing me the key.

"Tell me about it, it's been a few days and I have already lost one." I reply. I notice her smile.

"FIONA!" I hear who I'm guessing is the brown haired girls name being shouted from up the stairs.

"In a minute Lip." She shouts back as the boy shouting runs down the stairs. He has brown hair and lots of cuts and bruises on his face ouch. He looks at me smiles. I smile back and turn my attention to Fiona.

"As you know by now. I'm Fiona Gallagher." She says smiling at me as we walk towards the front door. "If you need anything just ask me."

"Thank you, Fiona," I thank walking out the door "bye Debbie was nice to meet you." I wave bye and Debbie does the same peaking her head out the door.

I walk over to my house and unlock the front door. Phew I'm back in.

A few hours later I decided I needed to fill my fridge with foods since we have none.

I walked into a shop called 'kash and grab' and start my shopping. I had my dads check he sent me to spend the money on.

I had milk, bread, cheese, cereal, soup and some chocolate.

Placing my food on the counter I glanced at the cashier and noticed he was a really cute, ginger boy. Like he was very good looking in my opinion, I wasn't a very confident person but something came across me.

"Hi I'm Alissa," I said trying to make conversation.

He scanned the milk then replied "Ian," it was awkward as he scanned the cheese he then added "you new here, cause I know everyone and I have never seen you before?"

"Yeah, just moved in." I replied.

"That'll be 18 dollars," he said as I gave the money to him "well it's pretty shit here."

"Oh trust me I'm not stranger to shit places." I commented picking up my items. "See you around Ian." As I walked out the shop.

"See you around Alissa."

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