"Simple Pleasures"

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Based on episodes of shameless - Season 4 episode 1 - "Simple Pleasures"

Based on episodes of shameless - Season 4 episode 1 - "Simple Pleasures"

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So Polytechnic isn't as good as I'm sure University of Chicago is. Living on campus is a literal nightmare. My roommate is a edgy emo who's really mean to me for no reason. I have so much schoolwork.

I'm sitting on my desk reading my algebra textbook. "Oi buttercup." Lizzie my roommate says busting through the door with all her friends.

I sit up and look at her "That a new one. Who are all these people?" I ask trying to be friendly and make some friends. The only friend I had here was Lip and he's busy anyways.

"None of your business." One of the skater guys says I roll my eyes and stand up. "Bye." I say walking off out the door.

Lip's dorm is all the way across the other side of the school so I make my journey there.

I reach his dorm door and knock, Amanda who is Lip's roommate Ron's girlfriend opens and gives me a smile "Oh it's you."

"Yep just me." She moves to the side and sits back down on the Ron's bed as I walk in. Ron is sitting playing Minecraft and Lip is sitting on his bed.

"Hey." Lip says as I drop down onto his bed. "Heard from Ian?" I ask him as I lay back on his pillow. I swear I hear Amanda scoff at this, what's the matter with lying down on his bed?

"Nope not a word." Lip tells me. Ian had gone missing and no one could find him, Fiona said he was just pulling a Monica or Frank. Honestly pulling one of the better situations.

"Ron let's go to study class." Amanda says as I close my eyes laying on Lips bed. I decide to out my feet on his lap that he pulls off as he's rolling a cigarette. "You should take your shoes while your on a bed." Amanda tells me. That's why she's scoffing.

Lip tries to conceal a laugh as I look at her. I put my feet down cause this girl intimidates me man and she was staring me down till I put them down. I think she's just stuck up.

Ron gets his jacket on and pauses to look at me and Lip "Alissa hey," he gives me a smile you see he's very chubby and has a dead haircut so no way am I getting with that. "You guys hear about the surprise flash mob, everyone is going to freeze for 60 seconds it's gonna be awesome."

I stare at him, why? Is all I wanna ask. "Okay." Lip says sounding equally as clueless as me.

Ron invites us to a study group but stuck up Amanda has something to say about this "We agreed to keep the group small."

I feel kind of offended, I kind of get this feeling this girl does not like me. I hear Ron whisper to her not very quiet "But she's hot and he's cool."

I try so hard not to laugh, "It's cool maybe later." Lip says as they walk out of the dorm room.

Once they are gone I let out a loud laugh and out my shoes back on Lips bed as Lip goes to the mini fridge and takes out a beer "You hear that Ron said I'm hot." My ego has been enflated to the max.

Lip turns some music and smokes his cigarette, he lays back next to me. "I think he was just being nice." Lip says I push him jokingly.

"Rude. I'm very hot actually." I inform him. He laughs and drink a bit of his beer "confidence is key."

He earns another playful push then he sits up "Right I need to learn some robotics now."

"Robotics such an interesting thing. Tell me more." I say sitting up with him. He starts speaking some nonsense I nod very quickly. I steal the beer out his hand and drink some of it "Dude. Get your own." He tells me pulling it back.

"Okay, if you want me to drink all your beers then of course I will." I sarcastically tell him. He just rolls his eyes and does his work while I lay next to him.

The next day I sit down in my economics course. The most boring class ever.

"Rest of the time can be spent starting your essay on finical risks a business can take." The teacher says everyone starts talking and I look around seeing if anyone will talk to me. They don't. Gosh I probably seem so lonely.

I just get on with the work by myself.

I'm back in my dorm sitting on my desk. Just with my textbooks laying out.

Lizzie barges in crying burying her head in her bed. "Hey. You ok?" I ask she's just cries.

After about 20 minutes she stops and looks over at my desk and takes the scissors. "Um what are you doing? Give them back." I say trying to take them off her.

She then cuts a clump of hair off. I watch as her beautiful long black hair is now at her jaw. Oh my god.

"Did you actually just do that?" I question with my hand over my mouth. She nods "yeah now it needs to be coloured."

"Why?" I ask standing up going over to her. "Needed a change." She shrugged getting out lots of boxes of dye.

"Ok which colour?" She says pointing to all the colours there are. I look there's blonde, brown, black, blue, purple and red. She would look good with blue hair.

"I don't know. Blue." I comment jokingly she nods and takes the blue. I stare at her "your not actually going to do that. Are you?"

"I mean yeah. I've started might as well commit to it." This girl I shake my head wow she's bold. "You know you would be a wicked brunette."

"No. No way." I shake my head. "I could dye it for you." She teases holding the dye bottle.

I think about. I do need a change. I am a college student now. No I can't. This beautiful natural blonde. I shouldn't ruin it. Fuck it who cares.

"Okay." I comment she laughs "I was joking. But if you really want it done sure I'm down."

Shit. I'm going brunette. She sits me down doing all things you do to dye your hair.

"You sure? This is your last chance or forever hold your peace." She says I think it through. "Yes I'm sure. Just do it."

She does it. It takes hours. It's around 3 in the morning when she's done. Why did I trust her. She will probably make it look awful.

"Done." She says I close my eyes and breath in. She laughs "don't be stupid. It looks good." She says.

I open my eyes and look in the mirror. "Wait this doesn't look bad." She smiles "at your service."

"Oh my god. I look so different." I look at it and feel it. It was still the same length just a medium brown colour. "Thank you."

She nods "anytime. I'll just do mine tomorrow." I start to feel so bad. She did my hair instead hers.

"Right well I better get to sleep." She hits her leg standing up. I just keep looking at my hair I look different. To say the least.

The next day at school I wear my hair down so everyone can see it. Not one person notices. At least I know I'm hot.

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