"A Long Way From Home"

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Based on episode of Shameless - season 3 episode 7 - "A Long Way From Home"

Based on episode of Shameless - season 3 episode 7 - "A Long Way From Home"

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On the bus ride home from seeing my father my mum asked me if I was ok. I said yes and she didn't question because I knew she didn't care enough.

When I got home from seeing my father my Nana asked me if I was ok. I lied through my teeth explaining how excited I was. She believed me.

I had told Mandy over text and she asked me if I was ok. I said of course and she believed me.

When I visited Fiona the same day I saw my father she asked if I was ok. I said yes I knew she had way too much on her plate. She believed me.

It was the next day and my mother was going to the alibi to drink away her problems I tagged along.

When we got their Kev saw me and said "hey Lissa. You alright?" Again why that question. That is my new least favourite question.

"Hey Kev I'm fine. Just mother daughter bonding time." I lie through my teeth pointing at my mother who was now playing pool with Terry.

"Get me a beer." I say Kev goes to get me a beer. He watches me take a sip and I pull a face. "Beer is not as nice as everyone makes it out to be." I say Kevin laughs "no one makes it out to be nice."

My mum runs and picks up my beer and walks off. I stayed there all morning I wasn't drinking mainly talking to Kev.

It was now afternoon and I was in this rich penthouse apartment that Carl and Liam were housed because of child services.

As soon as I walk in Liam came running hugging my feet I picked him up and held onto him. I missed him so much. My little Liam. Carl came over and gave me a hug as well. He even said the words I missed you. Mandy stood there and didn't get any hug. Which made me happy. I'm so horrible.

Now me and Mandy were playing with Liam. He showed us his new toy "toy." He said I giggled. "Yes Liam." I tickled him and he giggled as well Mandy was watching.

Lip was talking with Carl on the window seat bit.

Liam had one of those bead things where you follow the bead through the swirly patterns. Liam tried to one but it fell "oh no" I said in a baby voice holding a hand to my face. "Wanna try it again?" Mandy asked Liam was already moving the Bead and he got it all the way through.

He looked at us with a cute little smile "yay!" Me and Mandy clapped making him clap. "Mandy, Lis we gotta go." Lip said standing up.

I gave Liam a cuddle and put him back down on the seat behind me. Then went to Carl giving him a cuddle which he gave back. I walked off with Lip and Mandy waving goodbye.

At night when I got home I saw my mother passed out on the coach. Lemme go see what Lip and Ian are up to.

I walked into the Gallaghers house and up the stairs. I walked into a bedroom seeing them unzip a dead body. "What the fuck." I shouted they all looked at me.

"It stinks in here. Is this your plan to re-kill Auntie Ginger off?" I ask gagging about the awful smell. V passes me a rag and I tie it round my face. They push the body onto the bed.

Lip stands by it with scissors in his hand "whose gonna do it, someone has to do it." I shake my head like no one's business. Ian goes to do it when we hear a door downstairs close.

I run down with Lip behind me I get to the kitchen and see Debbie scoffing food from the fridge. "Debs you alright?" I ask going over to her. She doesn't stop eating from the fridge "so hungry."

"Have they not been feeding you?" Fiona asks then she runs upstairs while I make Debs some food.

I felt honoured that Fiona asked me to be in the courtroom with everyone today. I felt apart of the family.

I sat on the chairs behind the judges stand with Jimmy, V, Ian and Liam who was cuddled into my arms.

"Mr Gallagher disappeared for months, did you miss him?" The judge said.

"I don't know. He got me into camp." Carl answered. Lip and Mandy walked in during this point after they gave Aunt Gingers will to the will place.

"Camp?" The judged questioned.

"My first time." Carl continued.

"Have a good time at camp?" The judge questioned.

"Yes." Carl replied. I was now rubbing Liam's head as he had fallen asleep in my arms.

He then turned to Debbie "did you miss him when he was gone?" He questioned.

"Very much." I saw Frank smirk why was he even fighting for custody he doesn't look after them.

"I couldn't stand to see them live through my battles of addiction any longer." Frank said he was 100% bullshitting.

Frank does his speech on why he should still be their parental guardian. Basically, he made stuff up about how he's sober now and stuff like that.

Then Fiona did her speech. She went on about how Frank left her with an ill Ian and she had to walk to the health clinic to make sure he was safe. She said she had down what she could to raise he siblings. How she wants to give these kids everything they deserve cause they are great kids.

They took Fiona in a room to talk out stuff. At this point Liam had woken up and was happily playing with my hair.

She came back out and the judge said "Mr Gallagher if you were allowed to retain your parental rights would you allow Miss Gallagher to be legal guardian of these kids?"

Frank replied with "works for me."

"That will be order then take your children home." He announced hitting his hammer on the wood. I jumped up with Liam and giving him to Jimmy and jumping into Ian's arms. Then I turned to Lip and gave him a hug, Mandy stared at me the whole time.

Carl ran over to me and high fived me. "Fiona is now my mum." He said giving me a hug which shocked me. I hugged him back grabbing his head "she is."

When I get home it's quiet. No one's there. My mother must be passed out on the street somewhere.

I turned on my phone to see a voicemail from my dad.

"Hey Alissa. It's me dad. I had a lovely time seeing you I talked to Pam she would love to meet you of course only if you are comfortable. If wanna bring you nana or your mum to go then we can do that. Bye."

He remembered me. He does want to be my dad.

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