"Civil Wrongs"

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Based on the episode of Shameless - season 3 episode 10 - "Civil Wrongs"

Based on the episode of Shameless - season 3 episode 10 - "Civil Wrongs"

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I was at my locker when Mandy walked towards me. Slamming it shut. "Hey you ok. Mandy?" I asked. She leaned back on the lockers "No. Karen got hit by a car and Lip is worried about that skanky bitch."

"Karen got hit by a car. Is she ok?" I asked. I did hate that blonde bitch but nobody deserves to be hit by a car.

"Why do you care? You always say she's a blonde bimbo anyways. Just be happy she got what she deserved. If you wanna know she's in a coma at the hospital."

"First of all Mandy I do think she's a blonde bimbo. Second of all no one deserves to be hit by a car." I voice my opinion which obviously by her face Mandy doesn't agree with.

"Whatever. Kiss ass." She said as we walked in the school halls.

Ian invited me to go and watch Fiona play softball. Of course I agreed I hadn't seen Ian in forever.

I had been passed Liam and we sitting on the side watching Fiona play. "How are you?" I ask Ian he shrugs and answers "Been better," he then lowers his voice and whispers "Mickey has a new Russian whore girlfriend to take the gay out of him."

"Really I'm guessing his dad found out then?" I asked moving Liam to my other arm.

He nods "yep wasn't happy with the life that his son choose." I scoff "homophobic much."

Our attention is turned back to Fiona who scored and is going for the home run. We all start screaming "go Fiona." She makes it and the game is over.

"Ian listen I know I can't stop this Mickey thing. I wish I could but you need to calm down and take a chill pill for a second. He might break up with the Russian whore for you. Who knows?" I advise he nods and gives me a hug.

I pass Liam to Debbie and Jimmy gives us a lift home.

I'm standing in front of the mirror walking back and forth in my white dress. I'm going to see Ava today. I'm going to see my dads everything.

His new daughter. His new life.

I pull up outside his house. He picked me up and drove me to his house. It was big and it had its own driveway and garage.

He opens his front door and steps in I walk in behind him. His entrance hall was beautiful it had a glass table in the middle and a seat and boxes which I assume are full of shoes.

"Home sweet home." He placing his keys on the side and opening another door which leads to a hallway with stairs. There are two entry ways either side. On leading to the kitchen and one leading to the living room.

"It's beautiful." I say still looking around. He shows me to the living room and a sit on the couch. When I sit down I fall into soft coziness.

He says he's quickly going to go in the kitchen I nod and look around. There's another door in the living room that dad told me it was an office with a bathroom.

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